Weighing in - How to do it?

I'm new here and I'm really committed for the first time ever. I'm just wondering what are everyone's opinions are about weighing in. How often should I do it? When should I do it? Should I be taking measurements? Of what? I'm not really sure. I refuse to weigh myself every day. I have a feeling I'd be very disappointed due to weight varying every day.

I'd love to hear a lot of people's opinions and ways that they keep track of their successes!

Thanks all! :)


  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    Choose one morning a week to weigh yourself, and do it after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. Measuring is a good idea, I just didn't do it because I knew the results would be even more depressing than the number on the scale (I'm a chicken), and I didn't want that icky feeling to derail me.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Personally I try not too weigh too often, but do find myself sneaking on the scales daily at times! But I only ever log once a week or fortnight. I weigh every Monday morning and log that weight.

    Everyone is different and I'm sure you'll get lots of different ideas, you just have to go with what's best for you.

    Good luck :happy:
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Yep, once a week the same day and time, wearing the same clothes (or no clothes) so you can really compare each week.... I didn't measure at first, then started, and it was awesome- sometimes you may not be losing weight but might lose inches, and that motivation will keep you inspired/motivated to keep going!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Once a week, wearing about the same thing with scale in the same place. Try not to it more often as it can drive you crazy, I sometimes get on but wish I didn't til Friday. I weigh in on Friday or Sat mornings.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    I usualy weigh myself every monday morning after the bathroom and before eating, as for mesuring I dont do that as I dont think I could face it lmao
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    It depends on you. Common practice is once a week, same time, same place, same scale.

    However, I admit to being a once a day-er. I find, for me, it keeps me focused for the day and my attention on me and losing weight. It's way too easy for me to say "it's just one meal" otherwise --- especially on weigh in day or the day after weigh in day. I wish I could say I was more disciplined, but I'm just not!! I have to stop on everyday. If you decide to do this - just be prepared for daily fluctuations. For example, I was up .8 pounds today because I had a salty lunch yesterday --- everything else exactly the same but just retaining water from eating out. I know that and I'm ok with it --- if something like that would send you into a tailspin --- stick to the once a week.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Like everyone else says, pick a morning and weigh yourself before you eat or drink anything, and after you go potty :tongue: As far as measuring, it's a really good idea, especially if you're easily discouraged by the scale not moving. One week I didn't lose any weight, but I lost 2.5 inches. What you measure is a matter of choice. I do my waist, hips, thighs, and arms. Some people also do the chest and neck. Hope this helps. Good luck!!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I weigh every morning. After using the bathroom, before I shower or eat anything. That is when I record my lowest weight and get my mindset for the day.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I think you should definitely measure yourself! Otherwise, when you've lost all that weight, you'll say to yourself "I wonder how many inches I've lost" Also, if you have a bad week, or two (trust me, it happens!) you can look back on weight and inches lost and it might motivate you more to keep working through it. I think it's better to weigh in once a week because your weight can vary day to day through no fault of your own, but obviously everyone has their own ideas about that.
    Good luck with it all. There are loads of people on here with good advice if you need any.:bigsmile:
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I weigh every morning.
    I also realize that sodium, TOM etc can influence it.
    I weigh naked, after I use the bathroom first thing.
    As far as updating MFP, I usually do it once a week.
    Thursdays for me.
    I have cheat days on the weekend and it gives me a few days to get things back to normal lol

    I also say measure yourself!!

    and before pictures.
    In about a month, take them again. Put them side by side.
    In a bikini or sports bra or something snug so you can see the difference.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I weigh in and measure once a week - on my rest day - after I go to the bathroom - about 30 minutes after I wake up - in the nude.
    For me measuring is important since, I'm weight training and the scale might stay put or go up a little. 'll also pay close attention to how my clothes are fitting. A combination of these things once a weeks is doing well because sometimes one of those methods don't show progress but another one does.
    That being said I have a hard time resisting weighing in on a daily basis. If I do step on the scale on a day other than my weigh-in day, it's just out of curiosity and I don't count it.
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh every morning.
    I also realize that sodium, TOM etc can influence it.
    I weigh naked, after I use the bathroom first thing.
    As far as updating MFP, I usually do it once a week.
    Thursdays for me.
    I have cheat days on the weekend and it gives me a few days to get things back to normal lol

    I also say measure yourself!!

    and before pictures.
    In about a month, take them again. Put them side by side.
    In a bikini or sports bra or something snug so you can see the difference.

    I was going to say exactly what she said!
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I weigh myself once every 15 days, otherwise I am too fixated on numbers. I also take measurements every 15 days. I weigh in the morning, after I go to the bathroom, naked. I usually measure then, too.

    Some people can't do that, so they weigh every week. :) That works, too.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I weigh several times a day. official weigh in though is once a week along with measurements. Doing this helps me keep on track.
  • melsat
    melsat Posts: 14
    I wieght myself once a week. I do it on Fridays so I can see the progress that I have made throughout the past week. I also do it first thing in the morning, at the gym, using the same scale so I know it is accurate. Fridays are a good day for me because it keeps me motivated to go to the gym all week and stay on track because I know the scale won't lie on Friday. Good luck!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    This is a personal preference, and there truly isn't a "right" answer as far as how often. For me, weighing daily keeps me more accountable, and I don't get too upset if the scale number goes up -- too far up, and I increase my walking and try to watch what I am eating more closely.

    Otherwise, first thing in the morning, in the nude, after using the restroom will bring you the most consistency. Be sure to use the same scale, and place it in the same spot in the room.

    Good luck!!!:smile:
  • TruckinThePoundsOff
    Weight yourself first thing in the morning after you pee. Do it once a week on the same day.
  • ascrof
    ascrof Posts: 34
    Weight should not be taken daily. Once per week after using the restroom and before eating anything, and i'm the same outfit or in nothing at all (being serious).
  • TruckinThePoundsOff
    Weight should not be taken daily. Once per week after using the restroom and before eating anything, and i'm the same outfit or in nothing at all (being serious).

    Exactly...this here.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    I try to weigh myself once a week, after I get up and use the bathroom, and before eating/drinking. I have a body fat scale so I record that measurement as well. Sometimes I may not be losing weight, but the fat % goes down, which is good too! I don't think it's a good idea to weigh daily - it can get obsessive and cause disappointment/frustration to see any tiny gains.

    In the beginning, you will lose weight quickly, but later it will start to plateau. When that happens, it's more critical to take measurements (you can start now if you'd like too). If you're strength training, your weight can remain the same or even go up, but your measurements will become smaller- so that will be another indicator of success. I usually measure at the waist, hip, upper arm, and thigh.

    Before/after photos are good too. My trainer has a grid of 1" squares posted onto the wall which he has every client take a before picture in front of. This way when he takes the after photo, you can easily see how much smaller your body width has become. A more practical alternative to this grid is a brick wall or other surface w/ vertical lines. =)