Just another random dude.

Hi everyone, figured I start using myfitnesspal, mainly to make sure I don't eat not enough. I'm trying to lose my last 20lbs to get into the Air Force, or Army depending on the circumstances. My meals will be mainly meal replacement bars with the added little extra something to keep me at 1400cals a day.


  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    There's much healthier ways to eat 1400 calories a day! That's what my goal is and I eat plenty!!
  • HitchnerNicholas
    HitchnerNicholas Posts: 3 Member
    That is very true, but I have the slight problem that my main supply of food that I have right now is about four weeks of protein bars and eggs. Which is just about all that I have except tuna fish, and some ramen. That is what I had bought and was planning on getting some other healthier stuff, but I got lucky and my boss laid me off because of I couldn't come in on my day off. So I've got no money atm, I also have some supplement pills which will help some with the lack of vitamins that I get.