low carb?



  • shaynaboyce25
    shaynaboyce25 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2015
    I've lost 5.3kgs in 16 days and feel amazing as i am no longer addicted to sugar and carbs. Try it, dont try it. (its something you'd have to purchase as it is designed specifically for you).. You think 50grams of carbs is extreme? Mine requires a max of 20-25g a day. And it's awesome. Google Tim Noakes and his diet and you'll see why. GL HF

    [link removed by MFP mod]
  • sandsofarabia
    sandsofarabia Posts: 95 Member
    The problem with low carb (and why a lot of people aren't ready to jump on this wagon) is because of the unnecessity of it all.

    I did LCHF (20g of carbs a day) for a couple months. Yes I lost weight but I found that I didn't not lose weight any faster than my calorie deficient. And keep in mind while I did the low carb, I kept below my calorie deficient as well.

    It was a very interesting time. I kinda liked it but I also felt that I was constantly thinking about food... What to eat... What to make... What I used to eat and love... And ways to sneak carbs back in my life each day while staying within the 20g goal.

    It's just extremely hard and if it's only to lose weight, it's not that nevessary. I believe the low carb diet only makes sense if you plan to life that way for the rest of your life... It's more of a lifestyle than a weight loss track. Also if you are a carb-lover... Going on a low carb diet will only make you more susceptible to binge eating when you do go back on the normal amount of carbs.

    You can try a little less carbs a day which does significantly decrease your calorie intake (one thing I found was how calorie dense foods usually correlated with high carb foods)... So keeping under my deficient was more by default than my trying to stay under my calorie goal.

    If you really wanna do the diet you can give it a shot but I think you would be happier just picking the foods you want.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    I started eating lower carb a year or so ago due to digestive issues. I can't begin to describe how much better I feel! As far as weight loss I do think it's helpful. Eating lower carb seems to keep my blood sugar much more stable. I do get hungry but it's just a feeling to be noted, not the "OMG I have to eat something right now or I'm gonna pass out" feeling I often used to have. FWIW the carbs I reduced were almost all of the healthful variety--whole wheat bread, fruit and things like that. I've never had a sweet tooth or any blood sugar issues. I'm not obsessive about my carb intake by any means. The changes I made were things like having eggs instead of toast and fruit for breakfast a few times a week, salads for lunch instead of sandwiches, more veggies at dinner and less rice, etc. Those changes made a huge difference in the way I feel.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    KatoGirl73 wrote: »
    I do pretty well about staying away from the doughnuts and twinkies (twinkies are THE nastiest things ever lol)
    I tend to eat large quantities and not exercise. I have low back pain with muscle spasms plus knee pain so i try to exercise but pay for it for days or weeks.
    I started trying to buy salad items and sugar free jello and cottage cheese. A few fruits but so many carbs in them...
    I like coffee but have cream and sugar so that negates weight loss effort too. Kinda frustrating.
    Carbs are not the problem, calories are. Don't shy away from fruit due to the carbs, think of all the nutrition you would be missing by not eating them. As for your coffee, how many of them a day do you drink? One or two with cream and sugar probably is not an issue...
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I end up eating low-carb sort of naturally when I focus on adding more protein, healthy fats, and vegetables rather than focus on taking things away. I have a calorie limit, so once I'm full up on those three things there just isn't a lot of room for processed carbs -- I end up under 150/day by default and I don't even have to think about it.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    My belief is all diets are a low carb diets, when comped to the average American diet. Lol.
    avskk wrote: »
    I end up eating low-carb sort of naturally when I focus on adding more protein, healthy fats, and vegetables rather than focus on taking things away. I have a calorie limit, so once I'm full up on those three things there just isn't a lot of room for processed carbs -- I end up under 150/day by default and I don't even have to think about it.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My belief is all diets are a low carb diets, when comped to the average American diet. Lol.
    avskk wrote: »
    I end up eating low-carb sort of naturally when I focus on adding more protein, healthy fats, and vegetables rather than focus on taking things away. I have a calorie limit, so once I'm full up on those three things there just isn't a lot of room for processed carbs -- I end up under 150/day by default and I don't even have to think about it.

    On this basis most diets (other than LCHF) are probably low fat too.

    SAD is something like 50/15/35, but with excessive calories.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The OP is interested in low carb because she has Epileptic Seizures -- a condition that can be improved with low carbs and high fats. It was first used successfully in the 1920s.
  • shondaj70
    shondaj70 Posts: 30 Member
    I began the low carb lifestyle when my daughter was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic this past June (A1C at 15 and glucose readings over 400). We initially tried to follow the ADA diet but could not get her BS readings under 250! I started to search for an answers and stumbled upon the Paleo (caveman) way of eating, except we still eat dairy. I decided we would get our carb intake from veggies and fruits. We cut out all the whites (flour, sugar, rice, potatoes). We now use coconut and almond meal flour when needed and coconut palm sugar as a sweetener, we have also gradually added in the occassional serving of whole wheat sandwich thins, sweet potatoes and brown rice. At her doctors appointment this past Friday her A1C was at 6.2! Her doctors were floored and super excited as her excessive numbers had caused retinal swelling and bleeding in both eyes and a severe strain on her kidneys. I count calories for myself but not for her. She's lost over 20 pounds and I've lost a few (I'm not as strict when I'm away from her). I intend to buckle down and do better. But I rambled on to simply say a low carb way of eating does work!! Best wishes on your journey!!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I work to stay in nutritional ketosis for pain management by eating <50 grams of carbs daily. After 30 days my pain was managed. So far after 12 months my health is better than 20 years ago when I was 44.

    Very Low Carb High Fat has been used for a few hundred years but typically for medical reasons other than weight loss until the past 40-50 years. Because I eat 2500-3000 calories on LCHF I have only lost 30 pounds over the past 12 months which is a plus in my case but not my reason for starting this Way Of Eating as noted above.

    This is the first time I have ever lost weight and not been hungry. Before this WOE I craved grains and sugar laden foods.

    Best of success if you want to use LCHF but it is not magically and few are willing to give up all over 50 grams of carbs but more can pull off <150 grams of carbs. Read Read Read as others have advised you.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    shondaj70 wrote: »
    I began the low carb lifestyle when my daughter was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic this past June (A1C at 15 and glucose readings over 400). We initially tried to follow the ADA diet but could not get her BS readings under 250! I started to search for an answers and stumbled upon the Paleo (caveman) way of eating, except we still eat dairy. I decided we would get our carb intake from veggies and fruits. We cut out all the whites (flour, sugar, rice, potatoes). We now use coconut and almond meal flour when needed and coconut palm sugar as a sweetener, we have also gradually added in the occassional serving of whole wheat sandwich thins, sweet potatoes and brown rice. At her doctors appointment this past Friday her A1C was at 6.2! Her doctors were floored and super excited as her excessive numbers had caused retinal swelling and bleeding in both eyes and a severe strain on her kidneys. I count calories for myself but not for her. She's lost over 20 pounds and I've lost a few (I'm not as strict when I'm away from her). I intend to buckle down and do better. But I rambled on to simply say a low carb way of eating does work!! Best wishes on your journey!!
    it is great to get confirmation from blood tests. I hope that your daughter continues to do well.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Low Carb High Fat has been great for my DH and I. I am not perfect. I slide sometimes and eat poorly. Then I carb crash and need a nap. lol. But for me and my family get refine sugar and bread out of the house. Eat real food you make at home. Drink lots of water. Diet soda is a rarity as is all diet anything. Frozen veggies or fresh plus high cut meat on sale is yummy. Fish mmm. If it can stay in a box on a shelf for a long time not a good idea to eat it. I mean I love winn dixie meat but there hamburger buns and hot dog buns can sit on my counter for a month and NOT grow mold. Really how much bleach is in it? Just sayin. It is about the quality of the food you are eating. Low carb is great for me. Maybe low calorie is yours. I am a foodie I am not nice when I am hungry. So eat and stay well. My diary is open. You can add me. But please have an open diary so we learn what's good others are cooking.
  • shondaj70
    shondaj70 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks RodaRose, and yes it is! We love good food, but have found we are eating just a well as we were before! :) As stated above we do a mix of fresh and frozen veggies and fruits and whatever meats are on sale for that week. I also watch our sodium as that plays a part with her blood pressure and her eyes. My diary (and recipes) is open to friends so please feel free to add me!

  • fireball1970
    fireball1970 Posts: 38 Member
    I would give it a try. Go for 25-30 carbs per meal with 3 meals a day. Try to limit sugar & bread. Only have those 3 times a week. Drink plenty of water & smart water. It's amazing to not feel hungry all the time. I feel like a new person. I wish I would have did this years ago. I think I could've avoided at least 20 extra pounds. LOL
  • AliStroebs
    AliStroebs Posts: 7 Member
    Shayna, well done. I am also following Prof's diet. What I want to know is how do you enter it in MFP so that the percentages are correct for the diet? He says 25g carbs but MFP asks for percentages. It confuses me :(

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Try use this to work out percentages: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ My guess is that 25g of carbs is between 5 and 15% of your calories, depending on what you eat.

    I have my calories set around 1420 kcal and my carbs are set at 5%, which is 18g.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    KatoGirl73 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!
    My question is how have others approached a low carb diet? I would like to try it but watched my friend experience a lot of bad side effects...of course she did like 50 carbs a day for months...and exercised insanely...but i am not willing or physically able to do that extreme.

    Any words of wisdom for a newbie?

    Some folk do get Constipation, others find the oil helps them stay regular so fibre supplements and naturally high fibre foods like kale and a handful of raspberries or blackberries can help (not too many berries -sugar).