question on consuming too few calories

Hello--- I am just wondering...This week, I have been under all week in calories, under my goal of 1400 and even under the 1200 recommended. I still eat and I am not as hungry and/or have the appetite that I did a month ago. My question is more along the lines of the starvation mode deal and the "you would weight BLANK in 5 weeks" deal. If I want to weigh less and faster, should I not just be eating fewer calories and getting in my exercise? I am trying not to eat them back as well (exercise calories) I keep looking at the number for the weight I would be in 5 weeks, a few days I had about 900 calories for the day and I liked that number, so should I not strive for that if I can live off of what I am consuming and also doing the exercise? I don't know if that number helps or hurts me...I am confused by it. Am I screwing myself over by not eating enough calories (even though I eat enough to stay full and not have cravings) or am I doing ok and not making my body freak out and think its starving?

Hope this question makes sense...Any help or advice is appreciated!


  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am no expert and I am sure others will have better advice but I dont think you should strive to only eat 900 calories a day. In my opinion that isnt healthy for you and I think your body will retain what it has since its not getting enough calories.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    you NEED to eat the calories.your body will go into starvation mode and once you start eating more you are more likely to pack on the pounds again,if not more. I know its hard when you arent hungry but maybe try eat higher calorie foods?
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    You should consume at LEAST 1200 calories a day. Your body needs the protein and the vitamins from the food. Any less than that will hinder your loss. Your body will think there is a famine and start storing fat. I don't always eat back my exercise calories, but I do try.
  • ascrof
    ascrof Posts: 34
    anything less than 1200 calories and your body will go into starvation mode
  • DrMan
    DrMan Posts: 86
    You have to get at least 1200 calories a day at a minimum...Remember eating increases your metabolism therefore you lose more. If your eating too little (900 calories) your body will likely shut down after a few days and you won't lose anymore. food for thought. Anything under 1200 calories a day for a female is unhealthy irregardless of your age/weight etc.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    When you lose weight too quickly, you not only lose fat, but you lose precious muscle as well. Plus, it's not sustainable long-term. I'm not going to get into the whole "starvation mode" thing because you'll find on the forums that it is a HUGE debate on here. But just know this: It's simply not healthy for you to lose that quickly. Your body needs food, it needs fuel to run efficiently. Your brain requires glucose to function properly, which you get from carbs. Your organs require nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you cannot get on 900 calories/day. Please eat more.
  • speednut
    speednut Posts: 82
    You can eat back some of your exercise calories or alternate every other day and you should be fine. Be sure to eat at least 1200 per day. Good Luck.
  • labicyclette
    Eating less than 1000 calories per day is considered anorexia. Definitely not healthy!
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks peeps. But please don't get me wrong...I do eat. I eat my 3 squares a day and sometimes snacks and plenty of water and all that...I am just basically saying that my appetite is changing and I just don't want as much...Now, though I am scared to death of gaining back what I have lost because of that stupid little number that shows what you'd weigh in 5 weeks...That I think is what confuses me most and now I am afraid of the calorie consumption, but I will try to get up there with the calories based on replies thus far.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    My experience with eating too little is that after a short while the weight loss slows dramatically. Also I tend to rebound eat when I've eaten too little. Also, my nutritionist said to eat at least 130 grams of carbs daily. Fewer than that and you start to burn up muscle, not fat. And you need to be building muscle - at rest muscle burns more calories than fat. So . . . plan your eating so you eat around the recommended 1200 per day, including eating back your exercise. Good luck!
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    You should probably listen to everyone & MFP's automated response, and eat, realistically more than 1200 calories.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I almost always eat only my "base" calories, and use my workout calories as a bonus. I find my body tells me when to eat. I find if I'm not hungry, I don't eat. But, I always strive for that minimum 1200 calories per day. 23 pounds in less than 7 weeks, says something. I personally don't buy into the "starvation mode" idea. If 900 calories works for you, see what the longer term effect is on you. Maybe it will work perfectly for you. I also am not buying into the BMI calculators that say I should be a MINIMUM of 178 to be "healthy", I would look like a victim of some awful disease at 178lbs. Just think are you better eating 3000 calories a day or 900? I say starvation be damned!
  • brazeaut
    brazeaut Posts: 31 Member
    I have started the 17 day diet and am in the first cycle. I came on here to start logging my food out of guilt for snaking on the kids nutter bites lol. Anyway I think your question can be a legitimate one because I logged yesterday where I had a little cheat as well, was full all day and was eating what is suggested and was still under the 1200. I get where everyone gets frustrated at a question like this and wants to pounce on the person asking it, but if that person is following a specified diet and still struggling to get the calories in as well then this is legitimate. My husband has lost 8 pounds already and still drinks 2-3 bottles of mountain dew a day. This is incredibly frustrating compared to my 3 pounds lost and now finding out that this starvation mode is probably what is causing my stall.

    To the original poster, it's not always easy but I am going to try to do more mini meals to get the calories in and that is probably the best suggestion I can make to you. You still have to watch the sugars and carbs you are putting into your body so I would suggest keeping it simple but get the calories in.
  • notOpel
    notOpel Posts: 46
    Your going to get a lot of conflicting opinions/facts on starvation mode, but I personally don't believe that 1200 is the magic number that everyone must adhere to.
    My goal is 1200 a day and I'm almost always under, sometimes by 100-300, sometimes by more. Even on weeks were I average 800-900 calories my weight loss is consistent with when I average out 1200. No, I'm not telling anyone to starve themselves (in fact, from my experience there isn't a benefit to eating too far below 1200 since the results are the same) but if your not hungry then don't eat. Just make sure you keep an eye on your nutrition and that your getting a good balance of protein and healthy carbs and fats!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Well said.:smile:
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    In my opinion, you should not eat less than 1200 cals a day. When you don't get the proper nutrition, you will loose muscle and you want to loose fat. Even if you eat 3 meals a day, you might not be consuming enough to burn the fat. Maybe try and eat every couple of hours. I know you may not be hungry but have a little something so your metabolism will speed up. There are people out there that hardly eat and are very overweight so eating 900 cals may not be enough. You need to find the happy medium for your body. Good luck!