New and looking for friends/support

Hi everyone my name is Kim and I'm new on here. I just started my weight lost journey a week ago. My husband and I are doing it together. My husband and I have had a lot of changes in life this past year. One of them is accepting Christ into our lives and hearts. In my heart I feel so happy having Christ in my life and I see the changes its doing to my life and well now I feel like its really time to buckle down and lose that weight that makes me/us unhappy. My journey starts at 238lbs and I'm praying that God will give me the strength and courage to get down to 150. Thats a total of 88lbs to lose. I dont really tend to over eat its more like under eatting. I'm constantly depressed and hard on myself about my weight that I feel like I dont deserve to eat, because I'm already "Fat". So this past week has been challenging for me to get into the routine of eatting every couple hours. On top of trying to force myself to eat my husband and I have started doing p90x. Anyways thats a little bit about me and well I hoping to find some new friends to share my journey with for support and advice =)


  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome! You're going to do great!

    I'm going to send you a friend request!

  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome and enjoy the journey. Your heart will thank you as the weight comes off. Set small goals, they are much easier to achieve. I weigh in on my WII and I set a goal of 2 pounds in 2 weeks and it is so much fun when the WII tells me I have reached that goal early, then I set the next one, not paying attention to the time it takes to get there but the journey. Don't be depressed, "your are where you are meant to be at this moment" . Now work to the next moment with the the faith you have found. All the best to the two of you.
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    Hi, Kim! You and your husband are going to do great! Take it easy with P90X, however. That's sort of something you have to work up to even when you're already fit. Especially the Plyometrics!
  • kokoasummer
    kokoasummer Posts: 10 Member
    Great job on both of you deciding to be healthy! And totally excited that you've accepted Christ! Woot woot! Feel free to throw me a friends request!
  • Ragsdales6703
    Ragsdales6703 Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome and keep you the good work!
  • angeladenise74
    angeladenise74 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kim; my name Is Angela. I joined back in April but fell off and now I am back on the wagon. I am so excited that you have accepted Christ into your life as I too am christian. I believe that you will
    do just fine and will lose the weight you want to lose. Stay focused and put God first in all
    that you do!! I am going to send you a friend request!!
  • tonjay1
    tonjay1 Posts: 33
    Well congratulations to you and your husband for accepting Christ and deciding to lose weight. You are starting on the right roa. Sometimes you will have bumps in the road but don't give up. It takes times just hang in there. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can make this journey together.
  • Kappyoc
    Kappyoc Posts: 39 Member
    You have wonderful goals, both spiritually and physically. Remember to keep it that way. I've been on this journey, this time, for a month and a half. Sometimes I slip, but the next day, I get right back on the wagon. Im the heavy one in my family of 11 siblings. I always feel like the "ugly duckling", but am going to do this, not for "them", but for me. So add me as a friend and maybe we can support each other. Welcome and enjoy the support. You are lucky to have your husband along on this journey with you. It will make it so much easier.
  • vwog02
    vwog02 Posts: 5 Member
    I am so excited to hear that you and your husband have accepted Christ in your lives. The angels are rejoicing and so am I. God bless you and your family always and never stop trusting in (HIM)!!!