amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
edited 7:52AM in Fitness and Exercise
So I've done the 30 day shred and want new workout DVD. I've been told that HIIT workouts are the best for losing fat so I looked into the Insanity DVD's but they are soooooo expensive! Does anyone have any ideas of good workout dvd's that are effective but aren't so pricey?! I feel like they are all so much money and that just doesn't fit my budget. I can't even afford a gym membership which is why I do these tapes. Thanks!!!!


  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Check ebay or amazon sometimes you can catch stuff cheaper on there maybe they would have insanity
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    Or your local Goodwill stores, they do carry Jillian Michaels, etc, sometimes too.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    What about borrowing from the library or getting them from Netflix before buying? I need to get some Yoga and stretching DVDs but I don't trust other people's reviews (they're so scattered, 5 people love them 5 people hate them) so I've requested some from the library so I have 2 weeks to try before I buy or not buy and continue to borrow new and different ones.
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    I love INSANITY....some have mentioned on here that you can sometimes find it used on e-bay....worth a try??? My next purchase will be Turbo-Fire. Good luck!
  • HIITs are AMAZING!!! Especially if you do not have a lot of time. They burn tons of calories. Turbo Fire is one of the programs that offers HIITS. In 2 months I lost 8% body fat!

    Insanity is a great all over workout! Really is worth it and MUCH MUCH cheaper than the gym fees as you can replay them. It is a great weight bearing program. I gained LOTS LOTS LOTS of muscle tone from this program and increased my cardio.

    I guess it really just depends on what is a great workout for you. The cheaper ones that I love are most of Jillian Michaels DVDS. Ask yourself how much is it worth to you to lose and get healthy? Save a little each week if need be.
  • thomasbf
    thomasbf Posts: 47 Member
    For days I feel like kicking my own butt, I choose from Insanity (expensive, but awesome), JM Shred-It with Weight (using a 10-15 lb weight to make it burn), or JM 6 Week 6 Pack. Bob Harper's new DVDs are really good too, but kinda long for me to do before work in the morning. Cardio Burn and Kettlebell are the 2 I have and both are excellent lower body burners.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I found the 30 Day Shred at Half Price Books for about $5, I think. I also found Bob Harper's [Boggest Loser] Weight Loss Yoga on Amazon Marketplace for about that price - with shipping it came to $8. I did the yoga one last night and I am a hurtin' girlie this morning! I don't know how many calories I burned (went with MFP's guidelines for counting purposes) but it's definitely a workout!
  • My husband got our Insanity DVDs from ebay or craigslist...not sure, but saved us a ton! It's a great workout!!
  • thomasbf
    thomasbf Posts: 47 Member
    Check ebay or amazon sometimes you can catch stuff cheaper on there maybe they would have insanity

    Be careful buying Beachbody products on Ebay. I ordered Insanity; it was a knock-off and 3 discs didn't work. The seller SAID they were from Ohio, but the package shipped from China.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    What about borrowing from the library or getting them from Netflix before buying? I need to get some Yoga and stretching DVDs but I don't trust other people's reviews (they're so scattered, 5 people love them 5 people hate them) so I've requested some from the library so I have 2 weeks to try before I buy or not buy and continue to borrow new and different ones.

    I never even thought of Netflix! D'oh! What a good idea!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member

    I love Michelle Dozois and her DVD's - these are her newest ones and are HIIT - crazy - but great. They are not exactly cheap - but maybe you can find them on ebay by somebody who gave up on them.

    Michelle Dozois turned a complete non-athlete into somebody who looks forward to working out and getting stronger and better every time. She's worth it. IMHO!
  • ncrenshaw
    ncrenshaw Posts: 6
    Cathe Friedrich's Cardio Hiit is one of my favorite's --
    Has 3 separate 28-30 min workouts on one DVD --- 2 incorporate the step and the other doesnt require a step.
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