College Students Unite!

Is anyone else on here a college student?! Please tell me I'm not alone on this! I find the keeping up on this and following through on my dieting and excersize so difficult when I'm at college and now that I'm home I'm hopeful I'll be better at this. Is anyone else in the same boat? Does anyone have any helpful tips or suggestions for me when I'm at college?


  • RocketsGirl75
    I am going part time and working full time and let me tell you it is a ***** to try and balance it all. I don't really have any advice but I do wish you lots of luck!!
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    I am also full time student as well mother. During college time I had hard time to keep my routine in balance but now I am free so exercise atleast 60 minutes. Wel, when college starts, I am planning to eat healthy and in my dietary limits even if can't exercise. Good luck in your efforts to be healthy and for your studies.
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    I'm a year outta college but I remember how hard it was to lose weight when your there. What helped me was to actually look at the food the school served. When I started to do that I realized how gross most of it really was. I tried to stay toward the salads, make your own sandwiches, soups, cereals, and if they had a healthyish option I'd go for that too. Not to say that I din't eat the crap every once in a while, but I tried to make a real effort not to. Also I was lucky cuz I had woods at my school so I could go for hikes and such, if you can get the exercise in where u can. Hope this helps. :)
  • abby1791
    abby1791 Posts: 34 Member
    My school has an awesome gym, and I've actually found that its a lot more peaceful to study in the lobby there than at the library, so I spend more time than any person ever should at the gym between softball, my own workouts, and studying. So exercising isn't the problem for me, its the dieting. Which I've honestly found to be just easier if you buy your own food, the meal plan at my school kills me.

    You just have to get to where you need to work out to de-stress from school and life. Running was the only time I had where I didn't have to think or do anything mind-blowingly hard, I could just zone out and run. So that's what finally clicked for me to make finding time to work out easier.

    Good luck1!
  • allibabaadw
    allibabaadw Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the motivation!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I'm a college student!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I'd love if we could help each other out! I know it's summer now, and I'm back home on break, but I'm going to have to stay motivated when I'm back at school too to eat healthy!
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Yep! I'm a college student too. The only thing that I've found that helps me out is to walk or ride my bike EVERYWHERE. My campus is big, so it would be easy to take buses, but the exercise is really good for me :)
  • JazzyJay2012
    I'm a college student as well, in nursing school, so I find it really hard to find time to work in working out and with such a busy schedule eating healthy isn't always easy. But, I'm working hard and I'm willing to be a friend and support system for anyone else who is trying to do the same.