Lookin for more stay at home parents to add

Hey all my name is Mary & I'm looking for some SAH moms (or dads) if you have kids under 4 I want to see how a regular day for you is: I need some ideas I'm at my last hope I've fAllen off the wagon BAD!!! I can't seem to get back into the groove of things. I would like to get more organized and schedule a plan where I can incorporate at least 45 min of workout in there....I know I can get all the advice I need Its up to me^ to do it. So I would like to add you if you think you can help me you can check out MY PROFILE to see more about me...My 3 girls are 4, 2 and an 8 mnth old so my day consists of food & tv I know that's the main reason why I've fallen off the fitness wagon


  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I have a child of 7 and my days are pretty crazy, I am a work at home mommy and I am willing to be friends.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    You can add me, I'm a SAHM, I have a 14 month old son. The hardest part about staying on the wagon is that food is always readily available, but keeping busy helps. I can only work out during his nap time but luckily he does take a good hour to hour and a half nap in the afternoon giving me time to complete my workouts. When I want to run, I wake up at 5am before anyone else is up so I can get back by the time he wakes up at 630. You can do this, we both can, but it's small steps at a time, small changes that make a big difference.
  • mrmchap
    mrmchap Posts: 31 Member
    I have an 8 year old and a 4 year old, both are home right now since school is out for the summer! My Days are NUTS right now, but I too would like some motivation to keep on track :)
  • enlarsh
    enlarsh Posts: 67
    You can add me as a friend and I 'll share my day with you.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I'm a SAHM of 3 boys (6, 4 and 11 mos) :smile:
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I am a SAH mom of a 4 year old and a 1 year old. My husband is currently deployed with the US Military, so things have gotten extra crazy!

    For work outs, the best thing I can recommend is the 10 minute solutions dvds. I have the kickboxing one, and it is awesome. I try to get in 3 a day if I don't go to the gym (I actually found a gym that has a kids club that you can have your kids in for up to 2 hours per day, and the only day they're not open is Sundays, so awesome!), but it's a lot easier to find 10 minutes 3 times a day for working out than a straight 30 mins with the kids at home.

    Meal time gets a bit dicier. I've found some great tyson all natural chicken nuggets. I make them for the kids a lot and I'll usually do the purdue 10 minute chicken breasts or maybe if I'm lazy just use some of the canned chicken packed in water. We do steamed veggies as a side, and then some kind of carb. Usually some kind of rice or potato. The kids are usually agreeable to the side dishes, but the main dish sometimes is hard. The chicken nuggets (and the whole meat fish sticks) help ease those battles.

    I hope some of this helps you! Feel free to friend me :)
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    You can add me, I'm a SAHM, I have a 14 month old son. The hardest part about staying on the wagon is that food is always readily available, but keeping busy helps. I can only work out during his nap time but luckily he does take a good hour to hour and a half nap in the afternoon giving me time to complete my workouts. When I want to run, I wake up at 5am before anyone else is up so I can get back by the time he wakes up at 630. You can do this, we both can, but it's small steps at a time, small changes that make a big difference.
    same here.... that awful kitchen is always THERE!!! And I have the double whammy of having to cook 3 meals a day for my husband/kids. Not that I dislike cooking - but its sooo hard to control the tasting and testing. Aahhh.....
    I too, get up at 5 when I wanna run. If I want a walk, I take em with me in teh afternoon. I try to run 2-3 times a week, and workout 2-3 times. But it doesn't always work out.
    I work out with my 2 year old with me, since she tries to imitate me, and loves 30 day Shred! lol! Well, she just sticks her butt up, but at least shes happy! I used to do it when she was sleeping.
  • mariangel03
    My 3 girls are 4, 2 and an 8 mnth old so my day consists of food & tv I know that's the main reason why I've fallen off the fitness wagon
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    im a stay at home mom with a 2 1/2 year old. Feel free to add me. i work weekends to get out of the house, but my day is basically up with the 2 year old, we eat breakfast together, then we he watches caillou and i zumba. we go outside and we play in the backyard. he gets in the pool or runs around and i garden. or i pull him in his wagon, when its not boiling hot outside. we come back inside get a snack, and watch some sesame street. i try to put exercise into anything we do. walking around the house, chasing him, just everything.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hey there-- I know you've already added me, but I thought I'd put out the invite to the other SAHMs on this thread! I'm a SAHM to my almost 2 year old and 6 year old, and also run a home daycare, so that adds in another 2 year old, a 3 year old, 5 year old, and in the fall, 1 1/2 year old. On top of that, my hubby works away from home, and is only home 8 days a month ( every other weekend). I *might* be a little crazy for taking that all on of my free will.. but I don't have time to think about changing my mind!

    There are a lot of challenges to being home with the kids all day.. I know often for me it comes down to actually MAKING time for things. I've always been somewhat of a procrastinator, and I don't really do well with schedules.. so often *I'M* the one that takes a back seat. I'll feed the kids on time ( especially on daycare days-- I'm getting paid for that!!) and then get them off to naps, and clean up their lunch, and .. well, these few things need to get done, and they'll only take a minute... Fast forward to 2:30 or 3, and I'm just getting my lunch, scarfing it down because someone is bound to wake up any second. Usually, at that point it's not even anything good either.. I've planned for a veggie sandwich with avocado and chicken, and end up with pb and j. But, when I PAY ATTENTION ( which I sometimes need gentle reminders for), I eat better, I feel better, getting up at some ungodly hour to work out is even possible.

    Oh... uh.. what was I saying? Ahh, yes. I'm crazy, so add me! Lol...
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello...SAH momma to a 6 yr old and 6 month old...both girls...hubby gone outta town all week from April-Nov and home on weekends so working out during the week can be a challenge too. I have been doing Zumba on the PS3.....6 yr old does her own thing and I have baby in her seat with a bottle and she watches me dance around looking goofy!! I gotta do this for me so I can run around with them and not be exhausted!! Sometimes we do walks......it is hard with the kitchen temptations but planning meals ahead and jumping on here right away to log it keeps me in check on what I can and should'nt eat! This site has been a big help to me!! My baby does'nt yet have a "nap" schedule so working out early in the am with her right there works best for me....I usually do my lil hand weights and strength training routine 2/wk for 15 minutes when they are in bed. You will find something that works for you!!! Add me and I will help motivate you!!!
