Indian restaurant

Saturday I've to go for a meal with other half's family to celebrate his birthday. I don't want to be the boring one but I also don't want to undo my efforts
Any recommendations to items healthier than others on a typical indian menu ?
As it stands I've been back on the diet seriously 10 days I'm walking on average 4 miles a day and eatting around 1200 cals & so far I've not lost I single pounce therefore I'm really concerned about this pending meal!
I plan to do a minimum 7 mile walk on the Saturday morning but wonder if there is anything else I could be doing as I've 4 days to go?
All advance welcome (not going not an option)


  • nataliestead4
    nataliestead4 Posts: 11 Member
    *pound not pounce
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    Is there an online menu? Stay away from the naan. Otherwise, just look at the menu and try to make the best decision that you can. Stay away from anything fried and you should be fine. It sounds like you are exercising and eating really low calories. I'm surprised that you haven't lost anything. Any ideas why?

    Just so you know, I have lost 42 pounds and I never eat less than 1400 calories. Don't starve yourself, okay?
  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
    do not get in a tizz. go and enjoy your meal, prhaps stick to diet drinks/water and lay off breads and rice, one or the other or offer to share a portion. remember it takes 3500extra cal on top of your daily allowance to put on an extra pound. all things in moderation. good luck and enjoy!!!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Indian restaurants are hard to count as there is so much oil, ghee, and cream used in a lot of the dishes. We usually eat family style, a bunch of dishes on the table that we all share.

    I tend to keep to small portions, and just a little of the sauce. Rice, a small spoonful, and share any bread with someone else.

    All that being said, remember this is a lifestyle, and though you are only 20 days into MFP, it is a good opportunity for you to practice how you will handle eating out in the future.

    One meal out occasionally won't put you off track too much, you would have to eat 3500 cal at one meal to put on a pound.

    If your weight does spike up after eating out, it will be water weight as the food in restaurants tends to be highly salted.

    Cheers, h.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    Go for tandoori meat dishes instead of curries. Go easy on the sauce and rice. Choose chapati instead of naan. Alternatively, go nuts for that one meal because Indian food is the best thing ever! I tend to take the second approach. ;)
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    If you aren't making a habit of this, then one high calorie meal will not completely undo your efforts. I agree that tandoori chicken would be your best option if you want to keep calories down. Avoid yogurt drinks and stick with unsweetened tea or water, and stay away from butter chicken.

    Or, enjoy this meal, count it as 2000 calories and adjust over the course of a week. 1200 calories is probably a little low for you, though, depending on your current size.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    Go for tandoori meat dishes instead of curries. Go easy on the sauce and rice. Choose chapati instead of naan. Alternatively, go nuts for that one meal because Indian food is the best thing ever! I tend to take the second approach. ;)

    This. Tandoori dishes don't have any sauce but are still ridiculously delicious. Chapati is delicious with the spicy mint sauce that they normally give you.

    That said, I'm pretty sure that not using your naan to scoop up some curry lamb at a good Indian restaurant is illegal in 32 states.... Where do you live? :-p

    Taking a BIG step back, do you know what your BMR and TDEE are? Why are you only eating 1200 a day? You didn't gain the weight in a week or a month and you won't lose it that fast. Slow and easy will mean sustainable and happier... I lost just over a lb a week at 1550 + eating all of my exercise calories back. I would net around 1200-1300 during the week which gave me around 1000 extra calories for the weekend which I usually spent on pizza/dinner out and wine. I would suggest that you save up, but 1200 is very low already...
    Check out these links:

    Whatever you do, Good luck! and... damn you (just a little :p ) because I REALLY want Indian food now. Is it a good thing that I already have stew cooking in the crock pot?
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    That said, I'm pretty sure that not using your naan to scoop up some curry lamb at a good Indian restaurant is illegal in 32 states.... Where do you live? :-p

    I nearly spit out my water! I take back my original comment about skipping the naan.
  • alwaysvegan
    alwaysvegan Posts: 15 Member
    Indian food is delish, but you have to be careful with the saucy and fatty dishes. Some Indian restaurants are catching on to health trends -- you can ask for the meal to be cooked without any oil or ghee. I've had dishes with paneer in it substituted with tofu (I'm vegetarian). Look for tomato-based dishes, like chana masala/chana chole. I found papadam works better for the bread side dish (if it must be had) instead of naan, otherwise go for roti or chapati - ask them not to slather it with butter! Avoid the white rice, there's so many great flavors in the dishes and it's really not necessary. Stay away from the deep-fried appetizers, or split a samosa with someone and just eat the insides.

    Have the waiter come over to you when you order so you can reenact When Harry Met Sally and put in your special requests - don't be afraid of standing up for yourself, even though you'll be with a crowd.

    Whoa, too long a post - sorry. Good luck :)
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    I agree, go with Tandoori anything. Mmmmmmmm good.
  • nataliestead4
    nataliestead4 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone I feel less anxious about the dinner now. Still undecided about what I shall order but I'm such I will be split of choice as usual. My weakness is alway those lovely starters

    Its been questioned a few times as why im eatting 1200 cals per day so here goes
    I'm 5.9 my current weight is at 12.12 and aim to get to 11.6. When I first started my fitness pal many moons ago I was 14 stone and although I've keep my weight upto date I've never changed my goals and to be honest i felt 2lb per week was reasonably? I got down to 11.13 but then after not logging for took 6 month & 2 holidays my weight shoot back up.

    Again thank you all your a great support
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Ask for dishes without any sauce. Definitely load up on tandoori meats. Ask for roti with no ghee/butter for your bread.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Tandoori chicken is great. Order it spicy so you will fill up faster.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    My favorite is Chicken Tika Masala. Instead of having it with rice, I ask for it with steamed veggies. Spicy so it brings a bead of sweat to your forehead. :smile: