falling off the wagon!!!!!!!!HELP

i have been doing really really well untill i took off work for a week. now i cant get back on track and its killing me !! im trying but like i find myself not writing everything down or cheating im upset and i need some help.


  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    I hear ya.. time off can equal disaster.. just log it in and then when u feel like doing it again look back at ur log and remember how it made u feel.. dont cheat.. you are only cheating yourself... i log the good the bad and they ugly.. only way this will work..
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    make sure you write them down... the more you see it go up, perhaps that will motivate you again. do you have the app on your phone? if u can, use it and log your intake as soon as you eat.... during even!

    Dont cheat! u can do it!
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Same thing here. It is hard when you take a week off.
  • abohn09
    abohn09 Posts: 2
    I had the same problem towards the end of May. I had taken time off after my college graduation and totally ate like a pig. Getting back into the swing of things is difficult but do what you can. If you are really having a problem try setting a goal of logging at least one meal as accurately as you can for a period of days. Then add on for the next time and gradually get yourself back into the swing of things. And remember you are only human! It is ok to stray once and a while so don't beat yourself up about it, just take it in stride and keep on going. Good luck!:smile:
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    if you fall off you just get back on and start over it happens to all of us, dont cheat its only you it hurts , you can still fix it just dont quit
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    write everything down even if you cheat. It may take time to get back into the groove but you can do it! Just think about how hard you've worked, how badly you want it and how great you'll feel when you get back at it. Also (for future use) I heard a statement once about falling off the wagon: When you cheat, make sure to exercise and if you don't exercise make sure you don't cheat. Always keep one hand on the wagon so it's easier to get back on it! : )
  • brian2911
    brian2911 Posts: 48
    thank you all very much . just need a good PEP talk and a kick in the butt !