Help - Hit rock bottom and 50pounds to lose - need some MFP support

Hi - The title says it all really. I think I have hit rock bottom - I have ballooned over the last few months (like I have never done before) and I am disgusted with myself and my emotional eating. I need to get healthy again (I am not getting younger) - I have been here before unfortunately but the support I got here really helped. Need some friends who will support and give me kick when I need one over the coming months


  • guapa68
    guapa68 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me
  • BeccaColliesBurton
    BeccaColliesBurton Posts: 79 Member
    Hey. It can be tough. One day at a time. Don't think further than a week ahead overall and food planning wise even shorter term. Try noting down what triggered your over eating. Just being aware. We are all in this together. Xx
  • youknowwhyimhere
    youknowwhyimhere Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hey brother, no worries, I just joined 2 months ago. At least you were able to recongize it unlike many other ppl who are falling deep into the slavery food. Less than 6 months ago I was 290 almost 300, trying to get as big as I can for football. But after not being able to play due to a leg injury, I decided to slim down and get as fit as possible and not as 'big'. I'm now 6'3 250 and slimming down even more. The main key is diet. I've been doing this thing called intermittent fasting(search on YouTube). Burns fat faster. Only consuming about 1600 calories a day. Try to stay away from carbs as much as possible. As for cardio, do jump rope for about 30 minutes a day. It's the best cardio you can ever do. 10 min of jump rope = 30 mins of jogging. You will see your weight loss fast. Wish you best of luck. Anymore questions please don't hesitate to ask! It'll pay off in the end. Just remember how you feel right now if you feel like giving up during a workout. Your biggest enemy is yourself. We are a family here.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi Thomas - I promise, promise, PROMISE you can get there :)
    The community here will help and encourage you so don't be afraid to reach out. Importantly of all, always believe in yourself. You can do this.