I'm going public.

es0torok Posts: 66 Member
I'm new. I don't have much to lose. I am 52, 119# (with spikes to 124), and 5' 3.5". My only great weight loss achievement is that I lost 30 lbs twenty years ago and maintained my weight at 112. That is, until two years ago. In the last 2 years I have added 15 lbs. I decided 6 weeks ago to regain control before i gain even more.

I decided to make my diary public. I need the accountability.

Most people assume my weight control is not a problem because their numbers are greater. They are wrong. It takes just as much control and discipline for me to walk away from a reeses peanut butter cup as it does someone that has 150 lbs to lose.


  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I hear ya. My height/weight is similar to yours and I know how you feel!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member

    Most people assume my weight control is not a problem because their numbers are greater. They are wrong. It takes just as much control and discipline for me to walk away from a reeses peanut butter cup as it does someone that has 150 lbs to lose.

    I love this. It is so true. It's hard to deny yourself of a want in the here and the now no matter what you look like or how much you weigh.

    Sounds like you have the tools for success. I've had success with weight training (lift HEAVY) and (mostly) clean eating. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    So agree- was *just* thinking about that this morning- how many times I thought someone who was only a *few* pounds overweight is perceived to not have to struggle like someone who's super-obese.

    It was a lack of self-control that got me into the boat I'm in now- apathy that kept me there,
    and it is caring once again, and exercising self-control that will get me back on shore.

    Best wishes to you on your journey. I was encouraged to make my diary public as well- to keep me accountable-
    I've also asked for guidance along the way when I'm struggling. Those who are further down the road and have hit their goals and are now maintaining it are some of the best support.
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    I know what you mean. Relatively speaking, needing to lose only 10-20 lbs does not sound like much compared to someone who needs to lose 150 lbs. But the issues are the same, we face the same challenges.

    I hope I don't incur anybody's wrath if I say that in some ways it is more difficult to lose a smaller amount of weight, since the weight loss is almost certainly more gradual. For me, losing just 4 lbs in one month is really hard. It requires a lot of self-control, and a lot of time devoted to exercise. Often on this site I read about how someone has gone from 250 lb to 235 lb in 2 weeks or something similar. I'm not saying that it was easy for them, but they would be watching that scale drop every day. There is no way I could lose that much weight in 2 weeks. I'd like to lose another 15 lbs, and if everything goes well, I might reach that goal in 3 1/2 months. That's kind of a long time... a whole season will go by. Somehow I have to try to find motivation throughout those 3 1/2 months, despite only seeing barely perceptible shifts on the scale.

    Good luck to you, hang in there!