The French really don't get fat...but I'm not French!

bigbadme Posts: 12
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Alright, I'm living in France and it's true from what you have heard: French people are skinny and don't generally workout. And because of this, there is limited access to a gym. I live in a city of around 70,000 people, but I couldn't tell you where one gym is. It's frustrating, because back home I would go to a gym for running and weight exercises, but now I'm down to just being able to run outside, sit ups, push ups, etc. Does anyone know of any great exercises with no access to weights or any cardio exercises that I could do so I can mix up my routine and not have to run every single day? ANY input would help greatly!


  • Alright, I'm living in France and it's true from what you have heard: French people are skinny and don't generally workout. And because of this, there is limited access to a gym. I live in a city of around 70,000 people, but I couldn't tell you where one gym is. It's frustrating, because back home I would go to a gym for running and weight exercises, but now I'm down to just being able to run outside, sit ups, push ups, etc. Does anyone know of any great exercises with no access to weights or any cardio exercises that I could do so I can mix up my routine and not have to run every single day? ANY input would help greatly!
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    -Light weights with 16-oz bottles/cans?
    -Climbing stairs, pushups, abs, jumping jacks, jumping rope, lunges, squats?
    -Exercise DVDs (formatted for your player, of course)
    -Is there a local school where you might gain gym access?
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I saw something on the news that is called Punk Arobics. Not that I suggest you do anything that is called PUNK AROBICS, However in this I noted that they where useing BRICKS as hand weights.
    I have never been to france, But I would venture a guess that they have bricks.
    One of the reasons that the Frence are slimmer then most Americans is that they Walk, ALOT!
    The basic American finds it hard to walk 1 mile each day. If a French person walked only one mile... Chances are that they are Very VERY sick.
    The Frence also eat better. Their food is generally freasher, and they do not PROCESS THE HECK out of it like we do.
    Yeah they have 7 course meals there But each course is about 1/4 cup worth of food at the MOST.
    They eat slowly and savor the taste and the life that is around them.
    Good luck and keep us posted dear! And take PICTURES WE WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the ideas! I never thought of filling up water bottles or brinks! I love it because I know I have access to those! And I WISH there was a school near me with a gym, but schools here are sooooo much different in the states: no sports, no gyms (no even gymnasium for kids to run in, they just play outside), nothing along the lines of a gym. Thank you so much for the suggestions!
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Where in France are you?
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I KNOW I never thought of bricks myself untill I saw this thing. I thought. WOW, now THERE is an idea!
    I am very glad that you asked because I got to use the information. :happy:
    No French schools are different. They also go at different times then our kids do.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Remember that recent story about the French also needing bigger condoms? That's all the exercise you would need!
  • yellowpepper: I'm in La Rochelle, right on the Atlantic

    TRLTAMPA: HAHA!!!! I haven't heard that and I'm happily in a relationship with a guy back home, so I won't find out soon!
  • ccchick
    ccchick Posts: 11 Member
    The Jillian Michales DVD "Cardio Kickbox" doesn't require any equipment or lots of room. Great 25 minute workout. Its also available for instant viewing on NetFlix.
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