Need some inspirational friends ASAP!!!

ericaowenby Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone :) I'm looking for fitness buddies to help keep me motivated! Feel free to add me!!


  • ashleytaylorsmith8
    Hey :) I'm new to this only since today so I'm looking for the same as you :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    hahah ok when I first clicked on this it was because I thought it said "irrational friends" so.....I guess I think I'm irrational. more coffee please.
  • jkrunner80
    jkrunner80 Posts: 80 Member
    I've been here a while but I have hit a horrible lazy streak where the pounds decided to creep back on. I am always looking for new motivational and inspiring friends so feel free to add me. :)
  • ericaowenby
    ericaowenby Posts: 7 Member
    Ashley, I used this app last year & the accountability of it works wonders!! Jennloella LOL I have plenty of irrational friends no need to recruit for me haha & jkrunner I did the same thing =/ I was at my goal weight last year & kept it off for an entire year but allowed myself to get too comfortable & now I have to start all over again ugh I keep beating myself up for it :neutral: so I'm hoping having more motivational friends this time will keep me on track! Thank yall for the replies & accepts :smiley: