Help keep me on track?

GemmaLJS Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself

I'm Gemma, 23 years old and I'm trying to exercise (something I despise) after suddenly gaining 2 stone(!!!) in just the last couple of months. I'm hoping this website will help me find people to encourage (read bully) me into doing exercise even though i'll never want to!


  • henrym10
    henrym10 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Gemma,

    If you change your (sabotaging) story and (sabotaging) language about exercise (and food), you will find yourself driven to exercise. Come up with an inspiring story and inspiring language instead. As they say in NLP (Google it), "Beliefs don't have to be true, just useful"... And if they are not useful, let go of them.

    For example, I have come up with 5 reasons why I should exercise. Every time, I have an excuse not to exercise, I know I have 5 reasons why I must exercise and the reasons win every single time. Many decades ago, I transformed myself from a very very overweight child into a trim adult (occasionally, I see my six pack) mainly by really understanding food and exercise. The fact that you are on this website means that you are willing to do the same.

    I am recovering from serious surgery and need (notice the transformation language - not want) to shed 15 lbs. I have been on this website for 10 days and have shed more than 5 lbs - merely by restrict my intake to less than 1500 calories of nourishing and filling paleo food and walking back and forth down my hallway listening to my MP3. It is so easy and enjoyable ... love it.

    I also have myfitnesspal friends with whom I share my food and exercise details. 'Mix' with people who want the same thing as you or who already have what you want ... And let human nature take over. And you have started to do that by joining this website and the message boards.

    Keep in touch,
  • Veranek
    Veranek Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Gemma! I'm Julio, and I had the same thoughts about exercising until my grandpa had to get a bypass and started running. It really showed me the benefits of exercising. It's good for you in many ways. He finally convinced me to come with him to competitions, and I have to tell you, it really does wonders for your wellbeing.

    Then I got tendinitis and stopped running, and got 20 pounds heavier, but now I know that exercising is great.

    I still hate going to the gym sometimes, but I trick myself by thinking of the benefits. I love the high you feel after a good workout.

    I'm 22, and I need to lose like 30 pounds (I don't know what that is in stones), so I guess we're on the same boat! I'm looking for more friends on MFP to motivate and be motivated by, so I added you, feel free to accept me if you want to :).
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi Gemma! :]

    I used to LOATHE exercise. I would literally force myself to go to the gym and hate every second. I gave up entirely and gained 2 stone - and was horrified at myself! I couldn't fit into my clothes anymore and my Dr advised me to lose the excess! I signed back up to a decent gym and asked for advice from one of the trainers - he designed a unique work out plan based on my goals and changed it up every 6 weeks to keep it exciting. I've seen AMAZING results and I've lost that extra 2 stone & then some. I'm now really into building muscle and weight training (which I NEVER thought I'd ever say!). I now go to the gym 4 times a week and I'm even tempted to go MORE but I know my body needs rest. Trust me when I say, once you're in the habit - you'll stick with it.

    Having said that, until you're at that point - make sure your logging is tight and you track daily. You'll lose the weight, I promise :)