I need some motivational friends!

Hey yall!
I've been on here for the past year but never had anyone to help me stick to my diets and workouts, I've ended up gaining 20 pounds from depression and I'm really ready to shed it off! If you think you could help me in any way please add me!


  • Veranek
    Veranek Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I was depressed for a few months this year, and I also gained a few pounds! I know it can be hard in the beginning, but I'm here to support you if you need to chat or something :). I think we can help each other out! It's always good to see other people putting in the work, so you don't feel alone in this. I added you, feel free to accept me if you want!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me ....wishing you the best :)
  • leemcm5048
    leemcm5048 Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me
  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Me! Pick me! No, seriously. I just weighed myself this morning and I have gained 5 1/2 pounds. (which is so hard for me to lose) I know that it is because I have been depressed and my motivation went out the window. I am hiking the Grand Canyon the first weekend in December, so I need to drop about 10 pounds. Help!
  • iElliie
    iElliie Posts: 23 Member
    I just had a daughter almost 7 months ago and the postpartum depression is no joke. I've gained all the weight I've recently lost due to it. I'm here for support, just add me
  • SonoraBlue
    SonoraBlue Posts: 33 Member
    Maaan... People say depression causes weight loss--but I've found it causes a lot of gain! I'm working on losing 68lbs myself!