Really need to do this 4 me!

Hi everyone, I am a wife and a mom to 4 teenage boys. I have had weight problems since I was 15 yrs old, just kept putting the weight on and by the age of 22 and 4 kids later I weight in at 19stone :( and n a size 28 clothes so once the twins got to the age of 3 ( my youngest boys) I decided that was that and with help from my doctor I lost 5stone with diet pills. Now 4yrs later im struggling to lost more weight every thing im doing just aint working and now im starting to worry im goin to go back to the size I was and its getting me depression and quick. So its 9wks til Xmas and im hoping im going to me down 1 dress size by then.


  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Believe in yourself and you are halfway there!
    It's hard but you can do this!
    Dust yourself off and try again!
  • Vampire81
    Vampire81 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes im going to do it, I can see by your pic u have done it and well done. Can I ask you how and some tips plz