The Power of Habit

achutanrao Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi .... never thought I would be posting on a health site :-) Always wanted to be on top of my fitness state. That is important when you are 55 and are looking forward to the retirement in 3 years with a certain amount of anticipation and enthusiasm. Can the 2nd life be richer than the first 55 years. It can be if you dont let your health trip you. The trigger came from Charles Duhigg's amazing book "Power of Habit" ... Getting onto a discipline of exercise and moderated food after that was an easy thing. 4 months into the habit ... I feel top of the world. 7Kg lost in weight. Resting heartrate down to 70. My BP readings never better. Sleep better ( pretty high sleep efficiency), I dont starve but I dont binge. I still enjoy my food. Can walk 8 km in an hour without losing breath and am enrolling for my first 10k.

What gives me the kick is combining it all with my love for technology and gadgets .. My Fitbit Surge, Fitbit Aria, Mac Desktop, Galaxy Note 4, myfitnesspal application, fitbit application are constantly talking to each other and telling me where I am. That's IoT, the internet of things, fitness and wellbeing all rolled into one. Exciting stuff..

The urge now is to understand the science of fitness, nutrition, health much more scientifically ....

Do I feel great about it all ... absolutely. Hence sharing a private accomplishment and feeling publicly. Look forward to any tips and tricks and DOs and Dont's from those of you who I can see have achieved way more than my modest initial results ..

Wish you all a life of health, happiness and peace

A N Rao , Bangalore, India


  • rnohou2010
    rnohou2010 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the boards! Like you, I am a great believer in behavior modification, which to me is just a fancy way of saying creating new habits.
  • MarilynEuseary
    MarilynEuseary Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for your words of inspiration
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