Overdoing it on snacks-how to stop?



  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Don't buy snacks. Then you can't eat them.
  • corrymeela
    corrymeela Posts: 24 Member
    as others have said,if it's not in the house,removes temptation.
    also drinking a pint of water is great,you wont want to but worth the effort.
    have to remember body takes 20 mins to feel full after eating/drinking.
    looking at most food diaries,they mostly consist of energy dense highly refined foods.
    this kind of diet will be lacking a lot of essential nutrients and is most likely going to result in relapse.
    majority are devoid of fresh fruit and vegetables and other wholefoods which should be the mainstay of diet.

  • parrotthead
    parrotthead Posts: 19 Member
    I really appreciate everyone's suggestions. I had a quick bite to eat before I left work yesterday and that helped because I didn't walk in the door immediately ready to head to the fridge. I also had a few activities in mind (not involving sitting on the couch and watching tv) before I walked in the door which also prevented me from immediately hitting the kitchen. In addition, I checked my water bottle when I got home and told myself that I needed to drink X amount of water before dinner and that helped too because my mind was focused on the water and not food.

    Keeping the trigger foods out is a process since my boyfriend brings most of those into the house but he's willing to try out healthier options and I think that will be good for both of us. In the meantime, I'm just going to work on thinking of those foods as his since they really aren't my preferred foods anyways; they just happen to be quick and convenient ways to cheat on my diet. I need to keep interesting options around for myself that do fit in with my nutrition goals.

    Thanks to everyone who left suggestions! I felt very negative about my behavior when I posted and now I'm feeling much more positive and able to work on the problem instead of just wallowing in my own self pity.