Looking for some friends

Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
edited 8:25AM in Introduce Yourself
Hello. I've been using MFP for a little while now, but I could really use some friends to help keep me motivated. Currently my family has no idea I'm trying to lose weight. I wanted to surprise them. It makes it a little difficult though because I don't get their encouragement, and my other friends don't often use the site, and live a ways away. I could use some friends on here to encourage me and I'll do the same back.



  • Hello new friend!! Welcome to the site! You will meet some great people that will help you on your journey!!
  • flabwillbefab
    flabwillbefab Posts: 161 Member
    well im here, and im serious about it,,, u can add me for support!!!! we will cheer each other up!!:O)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have added you my lovley xxx
    and you are doing so well with no support from your family...well done x
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    I am just getting "restarted" on the diet/work out thing. I lost 6 lbs a couple of months ago and I have only gained a pound back since but I've also been too lazy and unmotivated to work out. I had planned on starting the gym again today but I overslept. I didn't give up though; I still went on a run with the little time I had left before work. I really want to start a new, healthy life and I would love to encourage each other!!!
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I know what you're feeling...my family doesn't know I'm trying to get fitter and leaner either. I love the support and encouragement I'm getting from the people here, and it's really motivating me to keep going :)
  • mikalag
    mikalag Posts: 3
    Hi Sraftery,
    I am Mikalag, I would love to have a friend to do this with. I started on May 31 and the MFP program keeps me motivated. Extra praise and encouragement is a great booster.

    I am doing this weight loss for me. My girls are grown so I don't have children to keep up with BUT I am a very active person. I hate to shop for clothes so I would really love to be able to get back into all my cute summer clothes from last year (they are just a little to tight right now ... lol).

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • mikalag
    mikalag Posts: 3
    Trud .... WOW! 101 lbs. How awesome!

    How long have you been doing MFP?

    Tracking everything on here is part of what keeps me so motivated.
  • Hi, my name is Chris, I started about ten days ago. I love this site. It's really helping me alot. I track everything. I lost three pounds my first week, need to lose another 30ish. I'm am more motivated now than i ever was before. i'm going to do it this time, there's no doubt in my mind.
  • Half_of_Bri
    Half_of_Bri Posts: 42 Member
    I'm new here and it's nice to have the support of new friends. Feel free to add me!
  • Well you can also count me in. I am in the same position as you, I haven't told anyone either and no one knows that I am using this site. It is difficult as my husband loves to eat, eat a lot. So I am tempted all day long. Good luck to you. Contact me if you want to chat.
  • smcguirt
    smcguirt Posts: 11
    I have only found out about Myfitnesspal in the last few weeks, wish I had earlier. I started June 23, 2010 on my journey and I have lost 85 lbs! I have always battled weight issues and always worried about everything else in life besides me and my health. I finally decided that was going to change. I made each day a goal. To not eat bad things, no fast food, no soft drinks, no unhealthy snacks, no late night eating, no sweets! VERY HARD! I would just eat whatever, whenever and it showed! When I first started losing I didn't exercise much just focused on the diet and the weight started coming off. But then I started walking cause I couldn't run, and I walked what I could. Never think that you are doing too little cause something is better than nothing! Don't try crazy workouts or programs that will discourage you because more than likely you are like me and not in the kind of shape to complete them so start easy and build up and then start the programs. The exercise will help big time!! I am now doing the couch 2 5k running plan which helps you build up your running endurance gradually. There are some discussions in the community section here. I still make each day a goal to not eat bad and it has worked. Make your exercise and what you eat a priority and you will see results. Friend request me I love to hear and help other people succeed it helps motivate me! Also check out this site www.bendoeslife.com. Ben has a similar story to us all and is a true inspiration! Keep on keeping on! Just like Nike says! JUST DO IT!!!
  • vic72
    vic72 Posts: 84 Member
    Feel free to add me & good luck. It's great support having friends. Wish I had done it earlier too! :)
  • Have they not noticed the 27 pounds...or just havnt seen you? Feel free to add me :]
  • jmuzzio7
    jmuzzio7 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I am relatively new here myself and I'm loving this site. It has really helped me. I'm learning a lot about what and how much to eat, getting motivation and encouragement from others...I love seeing before and after pics and reading about other people's situations---and realizing that I'm not ALONE. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I am a newbie too! So, let's be friends! We are all in this together! Congratulations on your loss! Keep up the good work!!!!

  • 85 lbs! WOW! You are my inspitration! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

  • For me, getting started was the tough part. I've tried lots of things and they would work for a week or two then I would succumb to "who cares"! My daughter told me about this site and I'm sure glad she did. I can't believe the support and how well this program works. I am now to the point of feeling guilty if I don't log in and record my calories! Anyhow, good luck to you and know that you can do it!
  • Hello and Welcome. Count me in as a friend. I just started also. Good Luck!
  • runawaydoll19
    runawaydoll19 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi!! I'm in need of some friends too! Need motivation. I'd loooove to be your friend! We can motivate each other!
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    Feel free to add me ya'll... can't have too many friends and support in this journey
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