Looking to add friends

brandyk40 Posts: 78 Member
I have been struggling over the last five months with getting myself together. I have managed to gain back several of the pounds i had lost and now I am ready to get that back off. I am starting C25K tomorrow and have signed up for a 5K on Jan 1st. I am looking for like-minded friends who can relate to my struggle. I am 35, married, with no children. My job is somewhat stressful and is part of the struggle I am having. I am an emotional eater, and stress seems to trigger that. I am looking to lose 75 pounds or so.


  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • sassy_rivera
    sassy_rivera Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to be friends :) the more the better!!
  • I'd love to be friends! I'm looking to lose 75-80 pounds :)
  • liveagain
    liveagain Posts: 97 Member
    Sounds like we have a bit in common! Add me! I always need extra support. I also work in the health/wellness/fitness field, though by no means an expert. I can help with diet, supplements, and workout/exercise questions. :)
  • riles_monique
    riles_monique Posts: 7 Member
    Need some inspiration!! I fell off for over 4 months now!!! Retrieved my MFP password and ready to start.. With or without some encouragement!!
  • You can add me :)
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    41, no kids, lots of dogs, day 108, 22lbs & 13 inches down. Add me!
  • Jessiekp0406
    Jessiekp0406 Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to add me! I can relate to being stressed Out and and emotional eater!
  • spiffytools1610
    spiffytools1610 Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck on your journey.
    Similar situation to you, Have to loose 100 lb am doing a 350miles cicle ride in July.
    Add me if you like.
  • SuziAstro26
    SuziAstro26 Posts: 197 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • GoMe75
    GoMe75 Posts: 32 Member
    I am looking to lose 73. I just re-joined MFP. I gained back 50lbs previously lost so understand what it takes to succeed and what it is to fall down. ....but I'm here! Feel free to add me.
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    Lots of great motivation on this thread!! :smile: I also seem to cave to the emotional and stress eating... UGH! I've set my 'first' goal at 60 lbs. It's been a pretty slow journey for me, but I'm still tickin away! Feel free to add me, all! I'm always game for extra motivation and support!! I'm 35 with a faux husband (not married, but we've been together forever...like 18 years forever!) with 3 amazing kiddos who keep me crazy busy!
  • CampLondon
    CampLondon Posts: 239 Member
    You can join my Super bowl weight L challenge it is nearly halfway through.