Been doin this for 3 weeks now...need some help.

I'm relatively new...I've only been at it for three going on four weeks. I've dropped some weight but I'm feeling like I'm hitting a wall. My goal is to drop 40-50 lbs so I'm eligible to get into the Reserves by winter. I've almost dropped 20 of it but it's so hard to stay on schedule. My dilemma is that I'm single, and I'm dating. Has anyone tried to realistically date while on a diet?? Arrrgh! Dating involves drinking (some) alcohol, going to dinner, baseball games/beer and brats, movies/popcorn....I'm rapidly discovering that being social can translate into a lot of empty calories. I know, I know...why not engage in "active" dates...hiking, biking, walks, jogging? I'm incorporating that into dates, but I'm finding that those dates work well in the day time, but the night time is an entirely different ballgame. So here's the deal...I'm hitting a diet/dating wall...and I could use some suggestions....ty! :embarassed:


  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm just feeling like I'm gathering some momentum but it took a good 2 months for me to find a natural feeling groove. Welcome
  • haloheidi
    haloheidi Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem but find if I work hard during the week that cheating a little on the weekend is not really so bad. I have stuck to that and have lost almost 30 pounds in 3 weeks!
  • chmie662
    chmie662 Posts: 31
    Defsounds hard when you're doing it alone. Try to budget the calories that you're planning on drinking/eating at night into your day if you can. ie: opt for healthier selections during the day if you're going out at night and exercising before hand. There are also some lower cal drinks, maybe a skinny girl margarita (will prob sound retarded if you order it like that, but you can learn the recipe and ask for it that way), bud light select (55 cals), vodka tonic w a squeeze of lime, anything w diet soda etc. Also if you plan on going out to dinner w a girl, look up the menu before hand so you can order something healthy. Applebees isn't the classiest place, but they have a good low cal menu w steak and other manly dishes. Some other good active dates might be bowling, ice skating, pool, darts, etc. Hope this helps!
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    As far as the game, pick something you can share. Fries. Nachos maybe. Limit your intake. Alcohol can be limited to one drink. Or an entire glass of water in-between drinks. Work out hard core the days your going to go out.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    I actually think dating is a good "test" (not that I condone "testing" your future possible partners). If you can stick to your diet and the person you are dating respects that, I think that is a great sign of the support you will get in other places in the future with them, assuming they are a keeper. I was dieting not as hardcore before I met my boyfriend, but I tried to limit my drinks as much as possible and none of the men seemed to care. I also just tried to order food as healthy as possible from wherever I ate. It's tough but you can make fairly good choices still.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Exercise a WHOLE bunch before dates if possible. And... your the guy! You plan the dates usually?? I would plan EXACTLY what you are going to eat and drink before you go! (if possible)

    Always get water in addition to your alcohol and drink a glass of water to a glass of whatever you are drinking.
    Its tough, but it can be done somewhat reasonably.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    ohh... and choose things that have activities connected to them. Take a walk after dinner or the movie? Go bowling? Minigolf? Regular golf? All these things burn calories and count for something!
  • akopp1025
    akopp1025 Posts: 5
    Maybe you should have a beer with dinner but also get water. That way you are keeping yourself hydrated. Also work out the morning of a date. Eat a salad before a ball game and drink plenty of water, that way you won't be starving and you will just eat a little. Or just explain to your date what you are doing. I am sure she will be supportive! Keep up the awesome work though!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    drink the light beers or some wine. make sure you have a good workout the day of the date to give you more calories to consume.
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    20lbs in a month? I think you're doing pretty darn well :-).

    My partner and I often choose date situations that are more geared towards conversation and light snacking --- like sitting at the sushi bar or happy hour at one of the places that have healthy 1/2 price appetizers.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Unless you are dating every night, on your day's off be extra careful. Do a little more exercising on the day's you know you are going out.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    Unless you are dating every night, on your day's off be extra careful. Do a little more exercising on the day's you know you are going out.

    Agree with this. budget the intake in the day so u have more to go around in the evening.
  • Jen0625
    Jen0625 Posts: 1
    I know what you mean! I have also been trying to work out more regularly and eat right while dating. You just have to get into a schedule, if you know Thursday/Friday/Saturday's will be your date nights, then make sure you eat right the rest of the days and work out. Try working out in the mornings of date night days instead of skipping the workout all together.

    When you go out, it's ok to have a drink or 2 (you don't want to be drunk on your first date anyway), order a light beer. If you're out for dinner go for the grilled chicken and veggies... Or if you're at a baseball game tailgating - stay away from the chips and munchie foods. If you have a Brat or Burger make sure it's only one, no ketchup just mustard, all the veggies you can load on it and enjoy yourself.

    I think you can still go out and have a great date, but just make sure you're also making healthy choices if you're eating/drinking extra calories. But I will agree, it can be difficult. Just hang in there! Good Luck!
  • Missy1021
    Missy1021 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, I know it can be really hard to diet when you are so socially active, but stick with it, you seem to have a great plan in place and a goal absolutely worth attaining. I have been on MFP since January and it REALLY has helped me. Everyone has a different routine and there is not 1 right way to go about this, but i can tell you what what has worked for me:

    1. get your friends on MFP with you...if they are on board with making smarter food & workout decisions, it will be easier for you to do it, you will all choose to go to healthier restaurants and choose more activities that keep you on the right one likes to diet or work out by themselves, its always more fun in a group. Its also great motivation, not only will your friend recognize your accomplishments, they will help to push you over those rough patches...PLUS you won't want to eat so bad or skip a workout if you know your friends are going to give you a hard time about it later.

    2. if you know you are going out to eat, take a look at the menus online before you select a restaurant; pick a place with healthier options. or, if someone else picked the place, go online, look at the menu and plan out what you are going to eat...pick something healthier, that way you aren't making a snap decision when the waitress comes to the table and choosing something bad for you.

    3. switch to miller 64 or something can still have the beer for a fraction of the calories.

    these are a few things that have worked for me, hope they help you too. good luck!!
  • truenorth4
    thanks! I will add you.
  • truenorth4
    oops...I was planning on replying to individual posts...didn't realize that I couldn't do that. In any case, I love all the feedback and suggestions!!

    I will:

    1. Look up the restaurants I make reservations to and pre-plan what I eat (I'll still make it seem like I order off the cuff though...hehe).
    2. Work out a little harder each day so as to build up a "surplus" deficit that I can counter with what I consume at a date
    3. Switch my regular drinks to lower calorie options....I'm sort of inclined toward Bacardi and Diet Coke...
    4. Be careful around the tailgates (this is difficult)...I love baseball and football (and although there's no NFL, I love college football).
    5. Find more support and (hopefully) find a supportive significant other.

    Thanks for the feeback....please share something new if you got it!