First day

I've put on 30lbs after quitting smoking 2 years ago. Not doing so great at getting rid of it. Needing motivation and accountability. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Lu_wallace06
    Lu_wallace06 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey! Welcome to add me if you like!
  • lisathestylist2
    lisathestylist2 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck you got this!
  • jeanielmm
    jeanielmm Posts: 3 Member
    Gained nearly 30 last year when father got sick and passed. How it's time to take off permanently. Felt so much better when I was lighter. Have 28 to lose. Wish me luck. Note: doing a low carb, lean meat primarily, healthy fat diet.
  • somer91978
    somer91978 Posts: 2 Member

    Good luck. Sounds like we both need it
  • Adenine87
    Adenine87 Posts: 18 Member
    Best of luck! and kudos to you for getting started, thats always the hardest part. Add if you like :)