Kind of a Newbie :)

bebe3232 Posts: 43
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I joined MFP in 10/10 but didn't stick with it but now I am back and I am ready to work hard and meet my goals. I am a married mom of two boys. In the past two years I have let my self go and now its time to get back on track and put myself first get moving and start losing this weight. I was able to snap myself right back into shape after both babies so this is not baby weight...well I shouldn't say snapped it took me 8 months of hard work to get back down to my normal weight of 140.

I've was never over weight until 2 years ago at age 27. I went from my normal weight of 140 and just shot up out of no where to 160 then to 170... it seemed everytime I stepped on the scale it would go up another 10 lbs! At 170 I was trying to lose it but it was going no where and at that point I kind of just gave up and gave in to being FAT. I was angry about the extra weight and instead of fighting I just gave up. Now I am in the fight to get my life back! I am stick and tired of being fat and feeling like crap all the time.

I figure if I break it down into 20 lb increments it won't seem so overwhelming. My original goal weight is 140 but what the heck why not try to go for 120!
CW: 200
GW 1: 180 by 8/15/11
GW 2: 160 by 10/24/11
GW 3: 140 by 12/31/11
GW 4: 120 by 5/12/12
***Will make strides to reach my final goal weight starting New Years Day 2012! This will be the hardest to lose I know because getting under 140 has proven difficult for me in the past. This will give me 4 months to lose the last 20 lb and just in time for warm weather clothing and more importantly bathing suits :) Then I will start the all important Maintenance Phase that I have failed at so horrible in the past.

Some of my weight issues are obviously overeating and eating stuff that is not healthy.

#1 I am home all day long with a bunch of kids this cause stress eating, boredom eating, and eating kids leftovers eating. All big no no's. Having access to my kitchen all day long is a struggle and I hate to throw any food away, I hate to waste food but I should be a human garbage disposale either :)

#2 I have a bad carb tooth I love pasta, pizza, and sweets. I basically need to keep them out of the house by making wiser decisions at the grocery store and when eating out.

#3 My activity level is relativley low I think. Yes running around after kids all day and upkeep of the house does require activity but there is also a lot of down time when I'm at home all day watching little ones so I can't go out and be "active" whenever I'd like I have the kiddo's 10 hrs a day. I try to squeeze my workouts in during naptime or while they are busy doing something....but it is very hard to get in a enjoyable and productive workout with the little ones running around :)

So I feel those are my 3 main contributing factors to my unhealthy weight that I need to learn to keep in check :)

My Inspirations
My Kids
My Husband
Get back into my 12's, 10's, & 8's. I have a full wardrobe for every size!


  • Emily7306
    Emily7306 Posts: 1 Member
    Reading this is inspirational to ME!!! This is a wonderful story girl, and I have 100% faith that you WILL do this!!!
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    It always seems daunting in the beginning. Take it one step and a time and pretty soon you will look back and say "i love HOW much?!" With goals and inspirations like yours, I am sure you will do wonderful- and this is definetly the site to acheive your goals on!
  • bebe3232
    bebe3232 Posts: 43
    Thank you ladies your words mean very much :)
  • Neen1977
    Neen1977 Posts: 22
    Hello x I also feel that setting a first goal for me 5 % of total loss then 10% is a good option x and having the support on fitness pal def helps. x Taking your wee kids and the adorable wee pooch walks is a good step builiding it up ten mins then 15 etc x

    I wish the dry weather would come here in scotland it always helps lol

    I hope you add me I think we can help each other x I lost 3 stone at slimming world and it all came to a standstill and now Ive lost another 11bs here on fitness pal over the last month and a half x

    remember to keep tracking x and hopefully speak soon x
  • EmilySueGermain
    EmilySueGermain Posts: 12 Member
    awesome! You can do this!!!
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