Vacation tips

Because of some interesting scheduling, I am going to be on vacation for about 20 days in November (3 different trips). I'm doing well with sticking to my plan but still haven't lost much and have a lot to go. Anyone have any tips for staying on track while on vacation? Or, at least not letting it completely derail you?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Try to continue doing what works at home.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I try to enjoy myself, stay active and not overindulge. I set my calories to maintenance.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Just came home from 6 days in DC. It was great.
    1)maintenance! No one says you must try to lose on vaca... it definitely takes the edge off things. I did keep logging, just to be mindful. Went over even my exercise calories on just one of the six days. Totally worth it.
    2) walk! Even if it's not a walking sort of trip you can often build more walking in by avoiding lifts or escalators and taking stairs instead; get on/off subways a stop or two away; have taxi drop you near but not directly at your destination.
    3) gym! Ask if your gym here has reciprocal privileges anywhere else. You would be surprised. Or get one of those flex class subscriptions online if they cover the markets you will be visiting. If gyms make you itchy, rent bikes one day. Or kayaks to paddle. just be an active tourist!
    4) share! my husband agreed to share desserts with me. We didn't eat many, but when we did I just had half.
    5) enjoy! Vaca is special. It's why we work hard, budget, save & plan. Treat your food like your money; enjoy your vacation foods & experiences. When you get back home you'll get right back on track.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'd say enjoy yourself - be aware of what you're consuming, sure - but this is a vacation, remember. This isn't something you get to do every day so be mindful but be realistic.. When I go away, I don't go overboard but I certainly don't restrict myself. Get back on track as soon as you get home but enjoy your time away :)