UG! Under by 308! I have the hardest time eating enough cals

dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
UG! Under by 308! I have the hardest time eating enough cals! I almost don't even want to exercise! It always makes me eat more!

Ok... so I have learned that to keep at a 1200 cal intake.. I have to eat more when I exercise. I get it..but it bugs me.. Now.. if I have to eat more when I exercise.. then why do I want to kick my butt and work out like a crazy woman?

I know it has to do with speeding my metabolism.. but can you explain it to me.. shy I need to kick my butt to work out more.. when I have to eat more as well??


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Exercise is vital to having a truly healthy body. Some info for you:

    Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity:
    Reduce the risk of premature death
    Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
    Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
    Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
    Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
    Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
    Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
    Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
    Reduce depression and anxiety
    Improve psychological well-being
    Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance (More info at link)

    If you google "Benefits of Exercise" You can find about a million more links that talk about this stuff, if you want more information. :smile:
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    The way I understand it is that you need to eat the calories to keep yourself 'revved up' to work out. Working out has benefits beyond burning the calories. Your metabolism increases (so you burn more fat when resting), you tone muscle etc.

    Think of it this way. If you aren't eating enough calories to support a heavily active lifestyle and you work out at the gym like a mad woman for 2 hours.... and then are so exhausted you come home and take a 4 hour nap... you haven't really helped yourself.

    Whereas if you are eating a few more calories in order to support that high activity level, and then you workout for 2 hours, and then you come home and just go about your normal day (cleaning, playing with kids, walking the dog, etc), you're burning more calories than you would have by taking the nap :)

    There is some crazy math involved that works like this:

    Assume you burn 2500 calories a day.

    Eating 2,000 calories a day, you should lose 1 lb a week
    Eating 1,000 calories a day you should lose..... 3lbs, right?
    Nope. You'll only lose about 2.
    Eating 500 calories a day, you'd think "I'm negative 2,000 calories a day! Thats gonna be 4lbs every week!"
    Newp again. You'd lose just about 2.5 lbs.

    Long story not really short... you can't sustain high activity with no fuel. Your body is smart and will take care of itself!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    I get that I need to ..and all the benefits..but really.. how does it work to lose weight? I know that sounds SO DUMB! But if I stay at 1200 cals..and do NO exercise..I still can lose weight... IDK.. doofus here!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    In a nutshell, exercise is good for your heart. Try to get your extra calories in the form of healthy fats like nuts and olive oil.
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    The way I understand it is that you need to eat the calories to keep yourself 'revved up' to work out. Working out has benefits beyond burning the calories. Your metabolism increases (so you burn more fat when resting), you tone muscle etc.

    Think of it this way. If you aren't eating enough calories to support a heavily active lifestyle and you work out at the gym like a mad woman for 2 hours.... and then are so exhausted you come home and take a 4 hour nap... you haven't really helped yourself.

    Whereas if you are eating a few more calories in order to support that high activity level, and then you workout for 2 hours, and then you come home and just go about your normal day (cleaning, playing with kids, walking the dog, etc), you're burning more calories than you would have by taking the nap :)

    There is some crazy math involved that works like this:

    Assume you burn 2500 calories a day.

    Eating 2,000 calories a day, you should lose 1 lb a week
    Eating 1,000 calories a day you should lose..... 3lbs, right?
    Nope. You'll only lose about 2.
    Eating 500 calories a day, you'd think "I'm negative 2,000 calories a day! Thats gonna be 4lbs every week!"
    Newp again. You'd lose just about 2.5 lbs.

    Long story not really short... you can't sustain high activity with no fuel. Your body is smart and will take care of itself!

    Great Analogy! Thanks so much..!!
  • I've been doing exactly what Myfitnesspal tells me, and it works. At my size (started at 315 lbs, 5'11") I'm supposed to have just over 2,000 calories a day, and workout 90 minutes a week. I've been working out only slightly more than recommended, usually getting about 100-110 minutes, and i've been eating so that I'm at like 1800-1900 calories at the end of the day. Below the limit but not low enough to cause metabolic issues. I have been losing weight! I've been a member for less than 2 months and I've dropped 12 pounds, and I haven't weighed in for a couple weeks, so probably more.
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    I know what you mean. I never make it to my goal cal intake. It does make it hard when you work your behind off at the gym and then have to eat more. But for me after I have a killer workout im just not hungry to eat all that back! Either that or just to tired to eat all of them! lol
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    That's AWESOME Android!! I don't understand that part where it says to do so much exercise...
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I understand your question is purely about the losing weight issue - but there is so much more to exercise....

    There is a book Strong Woman Stay Young by Mirriam Nelson that really gives you the breakdown on why exercise (and especially weight training) is important as we get older....

    Here is an article on her website :

    For me I eat less to lose the weight, but more importantly I exercise to be healthier, and to keep being healthier as I get older...
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member

    This article is really helpful understanding metabolism and how smart your body can be!!!

    You want to exercise (for all of the above mentioned benefits) to (mainly, for weight and fat loss purposes) to build muscle to burn fat. Plus, even if you get "skinny" dieting with low calories and don't exercise, you won't be toned and fit. Nothing weirder than seeing a skinny fat girl in a bikini!!:huh:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I don't think any of us have/had a hard time eating all of our calories or else we wouldn't be on this site trying to lose weight.

    What exactly do you struggle with?
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    UG! Under by 308! I have the hardest time eating enough cals! I almost don't even want to exercise! It always makes me eat more!

    Ok... so I have learned that to keep at a 1200 cal intake.. I have to eat more when I exercise. I get it..but it bugs me.. Now.. if I have to eat more when I exercise.. then why do I want to kick my butt and work out like a crazy woman?

    I know it has to do with speeding my metabolism.. but can you explain it to me.. shy I need to kick my butt to work out more.. when I have to eat more as well??

    Then don't worry about eating MORE food just eat more calorie DENSE food. Instead of Fat Free everything go ahead and have normal milk, cheese, salad dressings, ect. I just looked at your Diary for today and your breakfast and dinner were extremely low in calories. You should eat more calories for breakfast and a little more for dinner. And I see all the fat free milk, low fat yogurt in there as well.
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Then don't worry about eating MORE food just eat more calorie DENSE food. Instead of Fat Free everything go ahead and have normal milk, cheese, salad dressings, ect. I just looked at your Diary for today and your breakfast and dinner were extremely low in calories. You should eat more calories for breakfast and a little more for dinner. And I see all the fat free milk, low fat yogurt in there as well.

    That's actually really good advice. Not just to add the calories in... but because a lot of times "low fat" or "fat free" means they're sticking other icky chemicals in it to get it to taste better. Cleaning up things like that can really help out. It's pretty challenging to eat 100% clean 100% of the time, but sometimes opting for 'full fat' version (IE: Butter and not margarine) is better for you if you keep it in moderation... which you are obviously doing :) And it'll boost your numbers a bit!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member
    I understand your question is purely about the losing weight issue - but there is so much more to exercise....

    There is a book Strong Woman Stay Young by Mirriam Nelson that really gives you the breakdown on why exercise (and especially weight training) is important as we get older....

    Here is an article on her website :

    For me I eat less to lose the weight, but more importantly I exercise to be healthier, and to keep being healthier as I get older...

    Awesome Thanks!
  • dreamingofsandiego23
    dreamingofsandiego23 Posts: 58 Member

    Then don't worry about eating MORE food just eat more calorie DENSE food. Instead of Fat Free everything go ahead and have normal milk, cheese, salad dressings, ect. I just looked at your Diary for today and your breakfast and dinner were extremely low in calories. You should eat more calories for breakfast and a little more for dinner. And I see all the fat free milk, low fat yogurt in there as well.

    Man what a concept! lol I hadn't thought of that obviously! Thanks!
  • Nique1986
    Nique1986 Posts: 23
    Okay Im tyring to get the understadning of calories burned and consuming them back..okay accoridng to MFP my intake is 1200, I workout 60-70min 3-5 days a week (30-40mins of cardio and 30 min of strength training). After my workout I usually dont like to eat becasue I feel that the workout was pointless if I am going to come home and eat. I usually go before dinnner, and I'm not at my total intake for the day. If I do hit my 1200 intake goal, workout and burn 400-480 cals, I would have to eat to get back to the 1200 consumed calories, and if I workout before diner and burn the same amount I will have to eat more calories to get to my 1200 calories. Well what I wanna know is it good to eat after wokring out or should I wait till after dinner to workout..Help Me Understand Please
  • Dreamingofsandiego23 - Think of it this way. The more you increase your metabolism the more static calories your body will need to sustain it. Other wise it goes into a catabolic state using muscle as fuel and slowing your metabolism.
    Counter productive right? Besides the endless list of negatives,when your body enters a catbolic state anything consumed is then stored differently, since your body goes into more of a preservation mode storing more foods as fat to be used later.
    If your concern is hitting that caloric intake mark. Try some simples things some of which have been suggested, also maybe a protein shake some where through out the day. It will increase your calories and protein which won't hurt the more lean muscle mass you have

    Nique1986 - Eating something after you workout is not only ok, but encouraged, since your using all your bodies energy waiting until morning or hours later can actually have a negative effect. Even if it is something simple as a protein shake or light dinner. If you decide to wait until after dinner to workout give yourself ample time between when you eat and when you exercise
  • Nique1986
    Nique1986 Posts: 23
    Dreamingofsandiego23 - Think of it this way. The more you increase your metabolism the more static calories your body will need to sustain it. Other wise it goes into a catabolic state using muscle as fuel and slowing your metabolism.
    Counter productive right? Besides the endless list of negatives,when your body enters a catbolic state anything consumed is then stored differently, since your body goes into more of a preservation mode storing more foods as fat to be used later.
    If your concern is hitting that caloric intake mark. Try some simples things some of which have been suggested, also maybe a protein shake some where through out the day. It will increase your calories and protein which won't hurt the more lean muscle mass you have

    Nique1986 - Eating something after you workout is not only ok, but encouraged, since your using all your bodies energy waiting until morning or hours later can actually have a negative effect. Even if it is something simple as a protein shake or light dinner. If you decide to wait until after dinner to workout give yourself ample time between when you eat and when you exercise
    The section under my goals that say Diet Profile, says that 2100 Calories/Day from normal daily activity,what isthat all about? And if i wasnt going to workout would I consume the 1200 or the 2100?? Im a little confused. My deficit is 900 and my daily goal is 1200 which equals the 2100.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    The section under my goals that say Diet Profile, says that 2100 Calories/Day from normal daily activity,what isthat all about? And if i wasnt going to workout would I consume the 1200 or the 2100?? Im a little confused. My deficit is 900 and my daily goal is 1200 which equals the 2100.

    This means that MFP estimates you burn 2100 calories/day BEFORE EXERCISE. If you eat 1200, then your deficit will be 900. (2100-1200 = 900). When you exercise, that increases what you burn total for the day (normal + exercise) beyond 2100 and increases your deficit. To keep your deficit at a set goal (which is MFP's approach), you eat back most of your exercise calories.
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