Mom of 4

Hey everyone ,
I am a busy mom to four boys. My youngest son is 9 months old and it's time for me to get back in shape. But first I need to get my eating in check. I eat when I'm sad, happy , mad and basically anytime I feel any human emotion. Lol. Let's get this party started !!! I'm at 187 pounds ... Looking for relief in these tired achy bones !


  • awood2785
    awood2785 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey! I'm a mom of 3 and my youngest is almost 7 months. I'm still breastfeeding, and I've been using that as an excuse to eat ALL the food! Started blogging again Saturday and realized how unhealthy I've been eating. Time for me to get my eating in check too!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    I am a horrible emotional eater as well. Let's get this done. Sending friend request.
  • drmontoya25
    drmontoya25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Here's my story and the reason I am here...I'm a wife of a Cost Guard Veteran, a mom of a 3 yr old boy and 7 months baby girl, and business woman. Both time after having my babies breastfeeding got me to gain about 50 lbs over the baby weight even though the first 2 weeks after giving birth I was under my pre-pregnancy weight yet not my ideal weight still overweight. However after the 3rd week, I started to see crazy high numbers on the scale (after 225 I stopped weighing myself but I knew I was going up). Result after my son stopped breastfeeding I notice I started to lose weight without changing my diet, I was always eating healthy with an occasional sweet and working out, I had high stress from medical school. I am mentioning the stress because stress hormones make me gain weight. Then I took out all sugars, got into a high protein diet and was working out 45mins in the morning before my son would wake up, no medical school at this point. I lost 80lbs in 7 months. I needed a boost so I researched the VLCD under Hcg. In 15 days I lost 23 lbs so I was excited to continue since I needed to lose 45lbs more but I stopped the protocol. Well life came in between my success : surgery, stress, working 24/7, husband and son.. Oh and how can I forget my mother and sister strain in these relationships made it not a good time to be on the protocol however because of all the weight loss I got pregnant again. My baby girl was planned 2 years before she was even done but at the moment we did not even think we would get pregnant. So now I am losing the previous over weight, baby weight, breastfeeding weight... It has been a week and a day since I am back doing the protocol and I have lost 16lbs. I am feeling great, I am not working out. I worked out the first day and I was sore until Saturday. So that was a good circuit which I want to get back after losing the weight. I need motivation so I am always online looking at blogs and vlogs about weight loss. I want to have my own success and be someone else's motivator.
  • knarmadhu754
    knarmadhu754 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! My daughter is 17 months old.
    I lost my post pregnancy weight. I lost 15 kgs. And i am happy.

    but still i do have a muffin top. Its more than 4 months i didnt work hard for it. So today i came back to calorie count and want to get rid off it with all supports and helps from all other moms.

  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Busy mom to 3 young kids here - 5, 4 and 3 year old. You can totally do this!
  • jentoledo85
    jentoledo85 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 I'm new here and trying to change my lifestyle. I was diagnose with endometriosis and I decided to change my eating habits. I any advice is apreciated. :)
  • erin3215
    erin3215 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    Also a mom to 4, 3 boys and a tomboy. Took the weight off with my boys without too much trouble, but Baby Girl just turned 2 and weight hasn't changed. Also a very emotional eater! Bad day? Break out the chocolate. Something to celebrate? I've cream! Time to get motivated! Friend request sent :)