Last 15!!

Hi. I've lost about 18 kgs , 15 more to go. I have to shed them before this year ends. I need this. I've been obese for a long time. I need this to end with this year. I have a personal trainer , I run everyday! my only problem seems to be my diet. I go on these binging sprees and they're a complete disaster.


  • tracisales
    tracisales Posts: 2 Member
    Way to go. I'm the same way. I do great with everything then I go on a benge and eat everything I shouldn't. I get so frustrated with myself. It is so hard when everyone around me is eating everything I wish I could. I find I have to stay out of the break room at work. That is the worst. Good luck. You can do this!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    9 weeks and 15Kgs (33lbs)? Particularly as you are getting closer to your goal it is tough Not saying it can't be done, just not sure how realistic it is in keeping it off, particularly if you have not learned good eating habits. It all starts and ends with CICO, tracking what you eat and finding out what makes you feel full/content so you don't binge. Good luck!
  • ritika19
    ritika19 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much:) I'm aiming at 2 kgs a week! I'll be happy even if I lose 10:)
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    You should rethink your goals. You risk losing an excessive amount of muscle mass with such an aggressive target, especially towards the end of the journey when there is less fat available.

    15kg in 9 weeks is not realistic, sensible or safe.

    I am aiming to lose 2kg by the end of the year (so 1kg a month).
  • omgnotu21
    omgnotu21 Posts: 1 Member
    Ritika what diet plan are you on ...can you share your daily meal plan with us?
  • myname20
    myname20 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi. I have very similar goals, around 15 kg to lose. I also blame my diet. If you want to talk more, message me.
    Btw I would like to remind you (and myself), that, even if you can`t lose 15 kg till NY, any kg lost is a very huge difference and you will definitely feel and see it.
  • ritika19
    ritika19 Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2015
    @omgnotu21 Hey there! Here's my diet plan. I'm vegetarian so you can change it to your likes and dislikes

    6am - oats with water
    8am - 2 egg whites, half bowl vegetables brocolli beans cabbage
    Aftr workout 1 scoop protein
    12 noon - 2 roti, spinach boiled , 1/2 glass plain buttermilk
    3pm - 4 egg whites , boiled vegetables
    6pm - 1 cup green tea, 1 oat biscuit, 1 spoon flax seed
    9pm - 2 roti, boiled vegetables , casein
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    15 kilos in 2 months. uhhhh. ok