Inspiration to avoid evening snacking!

Im sure we all have our own struggles, lately mine seems to be evenings and weekends going off plan. I noticed a pattern to the weekends this week, finally stuck to recording everything I ate which was a great success and on days i am active in the morning I stuck with my plan! So my new "rule" to avoid going off plan is to always be active somehow in the morning. I think the mindset behind chosing to be active goes well with the mindset of healthier food choices.

But I still struggle with evening snacking. I know I will want a snack, its not even about hunger or sweets I just like the tv-couch-snack combo. But its an "old" habit that I'd like to change. The issue with these snacks is it is hard to stop at just one and sometimes it can devolve into a mini binge session. Last night I had a serving of chocolate raisins, which turned into 2+
Of course self control is the key, and not buying sugary treats would be helpful.

My question is: if you have had similar struggles, what methods have you tried to work with these cravings or avoid them all together?

I think my plan for tonight is to be allowed the super low calorie veggie soup I made. At least its a healthy choice! It may not work every night, but its worth a shot.


  • cokberry
    cokberry Posts: 1 Member
    Oh YES! I will do great all day, walking, eating right, tracking my food. The last 2 hours before bed time are the worst. For me, I think it is because I am tired, my will power also weakens. I'd love to hear any suggestions to prevent the snacking.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited October 2015
    I eat "all" of my calories at dinner and then go through my (sort of lengthy) routine of flossing and brushing and all that, and I consider my kitchen "closed for the night" at like 7 pm, most nights.
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    Usually, the hour from when I get home til I get dinner on the table has me snacking on chips, pretzels...which unfortunately add up! Yesterday, I just kept myself uber busy...walked the beast, unloaded the dishwasher, made dinner.....we'll see how tonight goes. family room is right next to the kitchen, so if I really need help after dinner not snacking---I go somewhere else!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    There is an awesome thread called "say no to late night snacking" that is just full of great ideas. They also keep track of there commitment each day. It really helped me kick the habit.

  • daz2270
    daz2270 Posts: 73 Member
    I used to struggle badly with evening snacking. What worked for me was to up my protein intake. I find this makes me feel fuller for longer. I often have a protein shake around 8pm and it usually satisfies me until bedtime and only uses up around 100 cals. Carby snacks like crisps or sweets tend to make me want more and in no time I can get through a few hundred cals worth.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Find something else to do! I don't have time to sit on the couch and watch TV, there's just always something that needs to be done - pick a project to tackle every night! You're likely doing it out of boredom and habit, get yourself in a different habit.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    @daz2270 Im rarely dealing with true hunger, which is unfortunate. I just need some practice saying no to myself I think. Its tough!
  • daz2270
    daz2270 Posts: 73 Member
    brb2008 wrote: »
    @daz2270 Im rarely dealing with true hunger, which is unfortunate. I just need some practice saying no to myself I think. Its tough!
    Ok, maybe try to break the association of eating whilst watching tv. Maybe go out for an evening stroll or start a new hobby to change the current routine.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Find something else to do! I don't have time to sit on the couch and watch TV, there's just always something that needs to be done - pick a project to tackle every night! You're likely doing it out of boredom and habit, get yourself in a different habit.

    To be fair, Im on my feet all day and keep a clean house out of habit. The time Im speaking of is the very small window at the end of the day where I actually CAN take a half hour to chill and watch an episode of modern family or south park. Everyone needs down time, but eating during this time is the habit that needs replacing for sure. Maybe I can try replacing food with tea though. The idea appeals to me i just dont think of it in the moment. But if its a plan I write down maybe I will stick to it. Thanks for your input.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I eat "all" of my calories at dinner and then go through my (sort of lengthy) routine of flossing and brushing and all that, and I consider my kitchen "closed for the night" at like 7 pm, most nights.

    Closing the kitchen at a certain time would work! We eat late dinner due to work schedule, so often dinner isnt until 7 or 7:30. Maybe 8pm would work for me!
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    daz2270 wrote: »
    brb2008 wrote: »
    @daz2270 Im rarely dealing with true hunger, which is unfortunate. I just need some practice saying no to myself I think. Its tough!
    Ok, maybe try to break the association of eating whilst watching tv. Maybe go out for an evening stroll or start a new hobby to change the current routine.

    Any ideas how to motivate my sedentary male counterpart to join me for walks? I have tried a few times to get him to come along because he has objections to me going out alone after dark.
    I feel like wording it as breaking the association really helps because thats what it is, Im just conditioned to expect food when I sit down on the couch. I shall work on getting my partner to go out for a walk with me, and I also had the idea to try to replace food with a cup of tea. It would probably be a more relaxing way to spend the evening anyhow.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I eat "all" of my calories at dinner and then go through my (sort of lengthy) routine of flossing and brushing and all that, and I consider my kitchen "closed for the night" at like 7 pm, most nights.

    I'm similar. I eat my dinner and make sure I'm within calorie goal. If I am too low I will eat a little something extra, then I hit "complete diary" and that means I am DONE for the night. I have been sipping sparkling water nightly which feels like a treat, and I also cross stitch while I'm on the couch. It keeps my hands busy and I really enjoy working on it. I can sort of pay attention to the TV but I'm also creating something at the same time. Maybe take up knitting or something similar?

    Also, I read somewhere that oprah's trainer once said that when you're look to snack at night, it's your body's way of looking to add the fat back. It's probably a crock of s*** but I ALWAYS think of that when I'm wanting a snack and it keeps me from reaching for it.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I could really use a hobby, maybe I could learn to knit :)

    I would say there may not be scientific proof of that phenomenon but heck I sure believe it! Our bodies get scared when we change things up and tries to hold on to what it's used to. I'll adjust!
  • stircrzy
    stircrzy Posts: 47 Member
    I like to think of myself as a fit person and I have worked to change my eating habits over the last year. The big thing that helped me was changing my eating habits throughout the day. I don't do well with being hungry. So when I started 21 Day Fix, I started the eating plan with it. High on protein and fiber. The first couple of days I craved sugar and then it stopped. Now I have a hard time eating enough throughout the day b/c fruits and vegetables are so low in calories but very filling. If I do go over I notice it is when I am out with others and it's because I overloaded on refined sugars and carbs.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Adding - I often take a bath at night. Can't get to the kitchen because I'm soaking in the tub! :)
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    AJMB704 wrote: »
    Adding - I often take a bath at night. Can't get to the kitchen because I'm soaking in the tub! :)

    Oh lordy I wish my skin could take it! I schedule baths as rewards though :) they're so relaxing!