Avoiding CARBage...

LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
Trying to avoid the white, processed "fun" stuff---like pasta, noodles, bread....Any tips for success? For anyone who has done this, how soon did you notice any physical changes...not just the scale, but bloating/fatigue/mood? Is there any real substitute for chips?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    What makes you think that white foods would affect your mood and make you bloated? This is confusing.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I went very low carb (ketosis) and got rid of all flour and grain products, and even limited fruit and starchy veggies. It made a huge difference in my life, but I limited glucose based foods by more than most. I have increased mental clarity, improved immune function, less arthritis pain, skin cleared up, steadier energy, and my cravings for "carbage" went away...

    I felt poorly for about a week because I cut carbs so much that my body needed to switch to relying on fat - I was fatigued for about 2-3 days. Then my electrolyes got a bit low (from the water weight loss associated with lower carb) and it took me a few days to figure out that I needed to up my salt, potassium, and magnesium. I think that water weight loss helps reduce some bloating; bloating improved in me, but I still get a bit around TOM.

    The only substitute I've found for chips is pork rinds, but to me, they really need a good dip.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Carbs are not evil unless, of course, doctor directed.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Examples of White foods: cauliflower, milk, rice, potatoes,
    Examples of foods high in carbohydrates: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, legumes

    Not sure why any of these would be classified as "Carbage" and need to be restricted/eliminated?

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Carbs are not evil unless, of course, doctor directed.

    If my doctor called carbs evil, I would probably find a new doctor!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Those evil carbs made me lose 121 pounds and gave me so much energy that I walk most every day 8 miles and lift. Just can't stand those evil carbs, ;)
  • JustaJoe00
    JustaJoe00 Posts: 777 Member
    I'm thinking her post is mostly about processed foods with white flower...and the real heavy calorie foods...White flour if bleached or processed seems to be a really not so good thing....Of course in life like everything else, some can intake as much as they like and be ok....others, not so much. It effects me a lot. If i eat bread products of any kind i just want more.....and it leads to bad eating habits.. .lack of nutritional value?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2015
    Do you eat a lot of plain pasta or bread? (I know some people love homemade bread and would, not aware of anyone doing this with the storebought stuff or pasta, but of course some may.) I ask, because I don't really think of bread or pasta as foods one eats alone or especially high cal or bad for you foods. Whole grain bread (and maybe be picky in general about the ingredients) is going to have some positives white bread doesn't, of course (I think white bread is more a vehicle for other foods and personally don't consider it worth the calories, but that means it's easy for me to not eat as I don't miss it). With pasta (whole grain or otherwise), I tend to see it as an excellent source of energy and, especially, a nice vehicle for a very healthy meal made with lots of vegetables and some lean meat. But then I've always been someone who liked the pasta more for the toppings than the noodles.

    As for other foods like potatoes, I again don't really see them as unhealthy. Chips, sure, are high cal and sometimes made with unhealthy oils or too much salt, but it hardly seems fair to blame the potato (carbs) for that. Half or more of the calories from chips are commonly from fat.

    Anyway, I don't eat white bread or chips because to me they aren't worth the calories. I don't feel different than when I ate them (losing weight feels good, but that's not really why I lost weight). How I stopped eating foods I stopped eating? I just did -- mostly I think about the taste vs. calories vs. my nutritional goals for the day and make choices. Sometimes the taste factor weights out and I'll include something not all that nutrient rich in my day because I like it, but I don't eat mindlessly anymore. That's what I'd recommend whatever your choices.

    Also, I'd pay actual money if I didn't have to see the term "carbage," ugh. Is this a thing now? It seems like something that's supposed to be clever but isn't. (I'm not directing that at OP, as I'm sure she didn't coin it.)
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Given the choice, I would still eat most of this stuff.

    Switching to whole grains has always helped me stabilize my mood and lift my spirits.

    Recently, I gave up all grains as ordered by my doctor although I definitely still eat many carbs (beans are often in my diet) and may not be "low carb" by some standards, I've definitely felt a shift and it's been a lot of work. The first month was pretty challenging because many of my go-to meals were not available to me any more. There are many carbs in beans, vegetables, etc. I do limit fruit which helps me a bit.

    I have more energy now and my hunger levels are more manageable (they get off the charts if I eat any sugar at all now, which is related to my PCOS, I think). Staying hydrated is key to making this change. Also, track to make sure you are getting enough calories. I really needed to increase my fats to make this diet work for me.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    JustaJoe00 wrote: »
    I'm thinking her post is mostly about processed foods with white flower...and the real heavy calorie foods...White flour if bleached or processed seems to be a really not so good thing....Of course in life like everything else, some can intake as much as they like and be ok....others, not so much. It effects me a lot. If i eat bread products of any kind i just want more.....and it leads to bad eating habits.. .lack of nutritional value?
    It doesn't have to lead to bad habits or low nutrition. It depends on what you eat it with. Lately, I've been making home made flat bread with white flour which are tasting better than the ones I make with whole wheat. My favorite pairings with it so far are black beans, spinach, or cauliflower. Because the flat bread is so tasty, I've ended up eating twice as many beans and veggies as I normally do which has increased my overall nutrition, so the flat bread is now added to my staples.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    One person's trash is another person's treasure. You can toss me all your carbage. :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    substitute- plain pretzels - weighed.
    for occasional crunch, cherrios. frosted mini wheats
    i replaced pasta with wheat pasta also brown rice (not giving that up)
    be fabulous at 50
    more women die of heart disease than anything else - take care of your body
    high carb processed/packaged foods like chips often contain bad fats, high calories, and no nutrition = carbage.

    All foods have nutrients. Some choices may cause us to go over goals on specific nutrients (like carbohydrates or fat) and crowd out other things that we need, but even those foods aren't devoid of nutrients.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I try to have whole grain options instead - whole wheat pasta, wraps, and bread, brown rice, quinoa, barley, etc. are all carby, but more satiating. I also eat bran cereal most days for my night meal to get lots of fiber in my diet. You can eat plenty of carbs and still reach your goals, but picking more filling and nutritious options will help along the way.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I just eat a well balanced and highly nutritious diet...i had pasta putanesca last night for dinner and don't see anything inherently unhealthy about that...i'm having a sandwich today for lunch...again, not seeing an issue here.

    i do tend towards whole more whole grains, but c'mon...Italians have been making pasta since forever...and now it's evil...and i live in NM and there's no way i'm giving up flower tortillas.

    i've never noticed these things to cause me to bloat or to put me in a bad mood or anything. i tend to bloat when i eat too much or drink too much beer and i get moody when my blood sugar gets too low...that's about it.
  • alexjvolk
    alexjvolk Posts: 22 Member
    Nuts, letils, quinoa, avocado, brown rice. There are "chip" alternatives like beanitos, or nut thins. Those are what I do to avoid pulverized grains.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Carbs bad.....Veddy bad..... >:)