Depressed and not sure how to start

I've been very depressed because of a terrible abuse I went through and have gained over 50 pounds. I want to start losing weight but when I try to eat the right things, I get depressed about 3 days into the program and start eating again. How can I get over this three day depression and continue on following a healthy diet and lose this weight? I'm not depressed any longer and met a wonderful man who truly loves me as well as I love him, but I get depressed when I think I'm not dieting correctly and then I overeat. What or how shall I do this new way of eating? Thanks for all your help!!!


  • chattox
    chattox Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Iv just started , but if you need some one to talk to to help you through it then maybe this will help.
  • It says I need to eat 1200 a day, but do I eat 3 meals a day, 4 or what?? What do you do?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited October 2015
    It says I need to eat 1200 a day, but do I eat 3 meals a day, 4 or what?? What do you do?

    What ever you want. What ever keeps satisfied until your next meal.

    What is height and age? What did you pick as your weekly goal to lose?
  • chattox
    chattox Posts: 19 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, but I think having to log my food will make me think twice about how much bad stuff I eat ( not that I'm going to stop altogether) just do what feels comfortable. I don't think this AP is meant to make you feel miserable and there are lots of people to talk to if you feel low.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Try to take it one day at a time. You would probably find it helpful not to think of what you are doing as keeping to a diet but making simple changes to restore yourself to the health you, you used to be. Diving in too fast can set your up for a fall. If you have never dieted before you might do as well to set your desired loss to 1 lb and not 2 a week this will give you a chance to ease yourself into it and after a month or so take yourself to 2 lb a week. Two lbs is the maximum weight loss per week which is considered healthy.

    It might be worth considering your activity level, you could well be more active than you give yourself credit for. Eating too little will make you want more because you need it. Some keep to a lower (1200) level and enter their activity, which provides extra calories, many who do this advocate using half of the earned extra calories to increase the portions they have. In all this you can have the meals you have always enjoyed, only take smaller portions or find a less calorific way to do it. Unless you have an issue with a food never tell yourself you can never have it again till you are x weight. This only makes it more desirable. Allow yourself one not two for-instance.

    Possibly you will feel better having set meals and the occasional snack. There is no one right answer, it is all about what helps you feel comfortable. Grazing all day is recognised as being a bad way to eat. Try returning to the regime you followed when you felt good about yourself. Most importantly I think, is to recognise that being human you will have bad days and turn the page and carry on. As time goes by the fewer bad days will happen. If you start now and keep picking yourself up and get back to it in three months you will be in a better place than if you fall and walk away.

    All the very best. Good Health
  • Thanks everyone. So far, I've eaten 400 calories total. I have another 800 to eat. I had a healthy wrap, with skinless chicken and veggies in it I'm going to drink lots of water. I'm going to do it. I'm only 5'3" tall but weight too much :)
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Will your lovely man support you in doing this? Having someone to cheer you on and remind you why you're doing it will make all the difference. It stops you from feeling lonely and makes the whole experience much more enjoyable! It sounds like you're doing well so far though and you are well aware of your demons which means when they arise you will recognise them and be ready to tell them where to stick their negative energies.

    Good luck, and enjoy using this site, making friends, and building a team around you to support you. This site can be awesome for that :smile:
  • mprince570
    mprince570 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a stress/depression eater...I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. Friend me....we can chat anytime and support each other!