Mom of 6month old, on maternity leave. Help!!

Hi there,
I am 6 months into my maternity leave. Staying at home has been a struggle, fitness wise. While always slightly overweight, I have always been very fit and healthy. I am finding it hard to stay on track while being home. Seemed easier with the routine of my previous work week. I walk when I can, go to a spin class a week, try to eat healthy but am also probably too indulgent. Love to find pals that are in a similar situation as me! Or really anyone that will call me out when I eat 10 mini chocolate bars in one sitting!! Thanks and hope to hear from you!


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    First off, welcome! I also find it hard to not indulge when I am home. I'm a mother of 3, divorced and work a full-time corporate job. Start out by getting food scale and logging everything you eat. It will be an eye opener and show you where you opportunity areas are. Get that baby out for walks in the stroller or wear baby and walk around a mall or park. Getting out of the house daily will help the food cravings that come from the kitchen being near by. :) Also plan ahead meals and have healthy, easy to grab snacks around. Feel free to add me if you want more friends.
  • colpitts123
    colpitts123 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much! Will add you for sure :)