Has anyone tried circuit traning? I started yesterday and WOW, what a workout!!!!


  • Jasonk04
    Jasonk04 Posts: 3
    Great way to burn fat and tone your body!
  • mzhunnie
    mzhunnie Posts: 10
    YES, and you are right, it is a workout!!!!!!
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Last year i was doing the curves circuit training and it was amazing! i could burn up to and had exceed 500 calories in 30 min. It helped that I'm tall (longer reach).
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    It is what I usually do now when I don't go to boot camp-LOVE IT!!
  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    Its what I started with! Its a great workout!. Remember, that in the beginning you will be converting fat to muscle, so it wont show a loss on the scales, but your body will show it! I do it 3x a week!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I went down 6.2% body fat in just 6 weeks doing 2-4 50 minute sessions of Circuit WEIGHT Training each week. All my exercises were paired in twos for "supersets", except for ones where I never had to rest because I was alternating limbs. That's 11lbs of pure fat lost and 5 lbs of pure muscle gained. Only 6lbs lost on the scale (+2 water ones this week because of chick stuff), but you're right... it is amazing; especially when you can get your strength training & cardio all rolled into one!