Kinda new

I recently had a birthday so now I'm officially 18. When I first joined this site, a looong time ago, I think I was around 14 or 15. While everyone was friendly and supportive, I felt bad about breaking their rule of 18+. So I left and decided to wait till I was of age. Now I'm back and the site has had so many changes that I feel like ive never been here before.
But it's good to be back.
Hopefully the community is still as awesome as I remember it being

Have a nice day everyone <3


  • CKathy2012
    CKathy2012 Posts: 15 Member
    Glad to have you back!! Hope you do well with this site. The main thing for progress is logging in daily. And I have been not so good last week, but trying to do better going forward. If you would like tohave me for a friend that would be awesome. Have a blessed day!!
  • Ihavenoplacehere
    Ihavenoplacehere Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to be your friend!
    Perhaps we could help each other stay on track.
    Since I work in fast food, it's sometimes hard to find motivation to do a lot of things, but hopefully I can stick to this!