Always Cold!



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I don't have this problem thank goodness (might have to do with me living in a cold damp climate so am used to it?)...but some good suggestions have been mentioned already.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    It takes a while for the body to adjust to the loss of insulation. IME, I was freezing cold all the time when I was doing solely cardio and no lifting. Once I switched to primarily lifting and very little cardio my body has adjusted well. Could just be me, but gaining muscle mass (even small amounts like me) makes a difference in body temperature.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Only my hands and feet feel cold since shifting the lard, but they feel cold A LOT.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2015
    You burn calories trying to keep warm... that is not a myth..

    I used to be cold all the freaking time. Then I started moving around more, then exercising, and now increased hot flashes, but they are short lived (before they lasted hours)... I love it now that I walk around in short in cold weather..

    It got better for me...
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I think it's permanent. I do two things: 1. Wear an undershirt, 2. have a heating pad at my desk at work.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Cold, here. All year round, believe it or not. The TX heat may be fierce, but the TX AC is fiercer. Just waiting for those hot flashes to kick in. Moving around helps a lot.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @ahoy_m8 sad to say the hot flashes don't help much, as I can't summon them. And I still get cold in between. It means I must dress in layers, with a shell under my sweater. So if I need to strip, I strip (modestly).
  • millzy64
    millzy64 Posts: 50 Member
    Reached my goal weight 2 years ago. I'm still freezing all the time. I used to be a short sleeve guy all winter long before the weight loss. Not any more. Like everyone else suggested, wear layers.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    All I can say is a cat on the lap helps. (I'm also one of the perpetually chilly--but I'm also a stubborn Yankee who doesn't like to turn on the heat.)
  • IriaSparcast
    IriaSparcast Posts: 27 Member
    First, thanks for all replies, both private and public. I did mention in original post that my GP already ran blood work and thyroid tests in June to rule those issues out. Numbers all came back solidly within the median of "normal." (She gave me my actual numbers, not just an all-clear, so that I could do my own homework.)

    It's disheartening to hear from folks that after 2-4 yrs it doesn't get better. I was already wearing long sleeves and hoodies, plus fleece tights under my jeans at the end of summer. Guess I'll just hafta double up this winter.... :/
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    First, thanks for all replies, both private and public. I did mention in original post that my GP already ran blood work and thyroid tests in June to rule those issues out. Numbers all came back solidly within the median of "normal." (She gave me my actual numbers, not just an all-clear, so that I could do my own homework.)

    It's disheartening to hear from folks that after 2-4 yrs it doesn't get better. I was already wearing long sleeves and hoodies, plus fleece tights under my jeans at the end of summer. Guess I'll just hafta double up this winter.... :/

    Some here said that gaining muscle helps them, so lifting; might also help you.
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    Wow glad to read this thought it was just me I was 147 and am now down to 108 and ever since losing weight I am always FREEZING and we havent even hit winter yet I am already blasting my heat in the house and in my car
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    I've always been on the more cold-natured side, even when I was at my fattest. Ever since dropping below about 190 (I'm in the 170s now) it's been constant. Winter, summer, spring, or fall, there's a blanket or jacket near at hand.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Did you get your iron checked? That's the only other factor I can think of.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Yeh, those thyroid tests are bunk. Feed that thyroid with iodoral, the best form of iodine.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Did you get your iron checked? That's the only other factor I can think of.

    If you do get it checked, specifically ask for ferritin which is not generally checked. It measures iron stores so to speak. You can have normal hemoglobin and hematocrit and iron levels but a low or low normal ferritin and still might cause issues. I had mine checked when my other labs were normal and it was normal too at 8, but my gp said women should aim to be above 20-30 or you can still be symptomatic. Women lose a lot of their iron stores menstrauting.

  • robmcleod613
    robmcleod613 Posts: 11 Member
    I was the human furnace for the majority of my life. I though it was my super power. Turns out I was only well insulated.

    5"11' 147lbs (down from 210lbs)

    Cold regularly for the first time in my life.

    To lighten your mood let me tell you the story of going to a concert for the first time with my girlfriend in July this year.

    She is my New GF. We are at a Tragically Hip concert. It is raining. It has been raining all day. We are prepared. Me because I am wearing some fancy Gortex Sports Jacket. Her because she is wearing my old school yellow raincoat, which I insist she wear when she arrives at my as she was literally dressed for a day at the beach.

    A bit of rain is no big deal I think to myself. After all, it is the middle of the summer and who doesn't like a bit of rain. Right? Wrong.

    Sporty Gortex jacket begins to leak down my neck and back in minutes I start to shiver. She is warm and dry in my jacket. Shivers get much worse. What the heck? I have never been so cold. Hug GF. Ah warm. Mmmmm. New GF not exactly 100% comfy with strong PDA's as we had only really just started dating seriously. She moves asay a bit. I follow hug closer. Repeat. To add a little spice to this some of her longtime friends were there watching me glom onto her just to make her really comfy.

    By the end of the show I was so cold I was just waiting for it to end and trying to stay as close to her as I could to suck up as much heat as possible. Later, I explained to her that I was trying to not to drop into hypothermia.

    The good news in all that cold?

    She must really have believed me a she is still my GF!!!

    Happy maintaining. May you dress in Layers.

  • christinaleigh44
    christinaleigh44 Posts: 28 Member
    We have almost the same stats, I'm 5'5, started at 197, currently at 144. ALWAYS cold. My normal weight is actually about 10 lbs less than my current and I wasn't cold until this time around losing weight.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    don't forget how hot you get when you're fat.. and that's the truth. you chilly bunch are a lucky bunch.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm always cold. I'm told its because I don't have much body fat. Oh well!