Paleo... Help??

Hey there!
Just wondering if anyone has successfully maintained or even recently started a paleo diet without caving or dying from cravings lol.
Due to come recent intolerances with some starches (still trying to figure out the issue with my dr) mostly breads and potatoes... I'm thinking about starting a paleo diet.
Currently.. I'm not dieting at all or doing anything for that matter other than eating the wrong foods and being lazy... Time to get on track!


  • hadorc01
    hadorc01 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Erin, I've been doing paleo mostly for the last 5 years. I'd say I'm about 80/20 (80% paleo, 20% not) and I really only fall off the wagon on vacations or holidays and such. If you're doing paleo for intolerances (which is what it sounds like) there is a lot of goodies you can make so you stay within the primal footprint and don't fall off the wagon (cupcakes, breads, protein balls, etc) if you're doing paleo for weight loss, it's usually suggested to skip over those because just because they're made with "paleo" ingredients doesn't mean you're not consuming calories. If you're starting out i would say that keep a batch of something sweet on hand so if you want a little treat, you can have one without a ton of guilt and end up binging. I've maintained my weight on the paleo diet through a bad divorce and nursing school
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    Awesome thank you :) I don't know a ton about the diet but from what I do know it seems to be the cleanest... I do have weight to lose, but my biggest concern right now is not dying in pain by the end of the day due to foods I've consumed.
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I have felt the best I have ever felt eating paleo and doing crossfit. Been at it for 3 years and will never look back
  • shakmah
    shakmah Posts: 1 Member
    Started paleo on 80/20 basis as well couple of years ago. No cravings whatsoever. My sister started month ago has some cravings and was told for women it's a bit harder and there might be some cravings involved.

    Nonetheless it has Been the best thing I've done in a long long time food wise and the effects have been extremely good. With only some occasional sport I lost more than 20 pounds in three months. Nothing short of amazing.