Time to take this diet thing seriously

gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
Hello everyone! Time to start tracking things for real rather than just in my head.

I've had huge weight swings in the last decade ... from 235 ...got it down to 185 in about 16 months but lost pretty much all muscle since I did all cardio. Crept back up over the years to 225, ..then went on a strength training regime for 15 months and got down to 208 and much much stronger ...then last summer got salmonella poisoning ... and screwed it all up.. In January of this year I started swimming and a couple months in I added more weight training... But even with the exercise ... I've crept back up to 235 ... so ..time to track what the heck is going on in my diet ..as that's the only thing left!

So currently I'm doing MWF weight training splitting up legs, arms/back, chest/shoulders with core all three days and then swimming on TTh.

There was a stretch of 3 weeks a couple months ago where I did MWF weight training in morning and then 30 min swims in afternoon,...then 60 min swims on TTh... that just took too much time and not enough time to recover.

Anyway... so watching what I eat... and be held accountable for it! ..cause I love my sweets.


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Sounds like you have a plan. Get a digital scale that weighs in grams as well as pounds if you don't already have one. Its a excellent tool to have when it comes to tracking.
  • asudheimer
    asudheimer Posts: 82 Member
    First thing is to stop looking at this as a diet, it is a lifestyle change... you want to keep this up the rest of your life, not just for a short while. :-)
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    @ Desirai - I have one... it does grams, kg, oz and pounds. ... just had dead batteries for a long time. Got those replaced today! :)

    @asudheimer - indeed... indeed a lifestyle change.... working out everyday by itself is a lifestyle change. The hard part for me is eating in moderation. My family and extended family are pretty close and there's always lots of get together's and lots of good food.
  • JenKoz4
    JenKoz4 Posts: 37
    Boy do I feel you on the food. Whenever I go to my Mother in Law's and if she notices I've lost weight my plate has enough food on it for three people! *Face palm* But in times like those you just limit yourself to portion size and still enjoy yourself.
    Although who can turn down another slice of pecan pie? Certainly not I!
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    i think i need to enter pecan pie into my food tracker just for thinking about it. ...