Staying motivated

ok so I met my goal to be under 200lbs. The scale said 198.6lbs. I want to lose the rest of this weight so bad that I can taste it. Unfortunately I want to taste everything I see. I don't eat it but I am getting extremely hungry for no reason. I eat but sometimes that bigger mindset to eat more then I need is still there. Help needed


  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    First, congratulations!! How much are you losing a week? Maybe you'd be less hungry if you slow down your weight loss for awhile. There's no rush.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can eat anything you want (and not gain weight/disrupt your weight loss) as long as you don't eat everything at once, and not all the time. Plan - prelog - enjoy!
  • kenyalose
    kenyalose Posts: 22 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    First, congratulations!! How much are you losing a week? Maybe you'd be less hungry if you slow down your weight loss for awhile. There's no rush.
    I'm not trying to rush it but when I snack I overdue it but I'm getting better, thanks for the support hun☺️
  • kenyalose
    kenyalose Posts: 22 Member
    138shades wrote: »
    Wanting to eat and looking at the scale will help. What's important to you?[/quote
    I want to lose this weight so it's just a matter of not going overboard
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    It helps to have a pre portioned amount set out, no eating out of a bag or box, we all know what happens when we do that. Have some healthy snacks, fruit, string cheese.
  • andrewjbaker1984
    andrewjbaker1984 Posts: 33 Member
    It helps to have a pre portioned amount set out, no eating out of a bag or box, we all know what happens when we do that. Have some healthy snacks, fruit, string cheese.

    I find that helps. Either buy a smaller snack or if that isn't possible, measure out an acceptable amount and either put the rest in a place that's hard to get to or get someone to hide it for you.

    Something else I do is that if I do want an unhealthy snack, I make myself walk the 1.5 mile round trip to the shop and back to get it