nearing 30 and freaking

Hi all,
I'm hoping some of you will friend me and help me reach my goal. My story: I've been a fat kid my whole life. About 3 years ago, I finally got it together and lost 60 pounds and got to my goal weight of 110 (I'm 5 ft 0") I maintained for nearly 2 years and then my weight started creeping back up but I was still within my desired weight range. Then, I had a baby and gained all sorts of weight. Since my doctor had recommended I go off of Weight Watchers (how I lost the 60 pounds) I used the pregnancy to just eat. and eat. Not crap, just too much food. HUGE portions. Now, here I am again. I'm at about 173 and looking to get back down to 110. I've lost some weight and am actually sticking to it, but its harder now to find the time and do things the right way. I workout every day, although given my commute, work schedule and 10 month old baby, I only have 30 minutes in the mornings to myself. By the time I get home at night its just long enough to feed my son, play with him for a bit, get him to bed, eat dinner myself and relax for an hour before I have to go to bed myself.

I'm turning 30 in December, and my goal is to be at or pretty darn close to my goal weight of 110 by then. And this time I want to really keep it off. Any suggestions are welcome for things I should try/be doing!


  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    We are all here to support each other. This is a great place for that!!! I wish you well on making your goals!
  • Jessy108
    Jessy108 Posts: 1
    I am with you. I am nearing 30, no kids, but over weight. I am 4'11 so 5 pounds makes me look like I gained 25 pounds. I weight 210 right now and need to get down to 120. I have done the yo-yo weights too. I lost 45 pounds 2 years ago and it all came back plus more! I just joined the Biggest Loser at my gym at work and realllllly need to lose some weight. We should help each other!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    How tall are you?

    I will tell you that (as a woman) it's harder to maintain your weight in your 30s. It's based on a lot of factors (hormones!) and gaining fat over muscle.

    Get some sort of activity in every single day (even play groups or walking with the baby counts).

    Log all activities and make sure you stick to your daily calorie goals MFP gives you each day. If you dip below 1,200 calories in a day on a regular basis you WILL NOT lose weight. This is the same way Weight Watchers works. You have to eat the calories/points that WW or MFP gives you each day and log all workouts.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    go ahead and friend me if you not so bad....wait until 40 is on you!!! It's all down hill from

    Anyway, let's do this...what's your plan?
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    go ahead and friend me if you not so bad....wait until 40 is on you!!! It's all down hill from

    Anyway, let's do this...what's your plan?
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    go ahead and friend me if you not so bad....wait until 40 is on you!!! It's all down hill from

    Anyway, let's do this...what's your plan?
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Don't freak about 30! 30 WAS GREAT and 31 is looking even better. Just remember make YOU time! Mine is my morning run, okay me and Hogan (my boxer) time but it is just for us and the best part of the day!

    Trust me 30 is great, only good things!
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Only thing Ive heard over and over is have positive people who support you,watch carbs,portion control you know from ww,exercise everyday.Make time.Maybe in traffic you could do arm weights like dumbbells? Or When your cleaning your house you could exercise and stretch while vacuming,or when you play with your baby boy pick him up and down and use him as weights:) Its fun and quality time.If you ever get time out go to pool and swim or go walking.Being outside will keep you happier too cause the vitamins from the sun:) *Good Luck* PS:I freaked before I was 30 too.Not much of a change,actually enjoy it more! You know more and feel more relaxed and seems theres not as much drama:) Im 34 now,and feel 24.
  • krlaws2
    krlaws2 Posts: 47
    I remember being worried abut 30 and now 40 is around the corner for me. You can friend me if you like. I have two kids and it was definitely harder finding time to workout when they were babies (don't be like me though - I just didn't do it).

    Now, I usually workout after I put them to bed or include them in my workouts. I find pulling them in the wagon is actually a great workout. You can do similar with your baby - put the baby in a stroller and walk or get a jogging stroller. I'm actually looking for a used jogging stroller for my youngest - so I can run with him. I don't know if you baby-wear, but I always wore my babies when I liked to go walking and they'd usually take a nice nap.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Don't freak about 30! 30 WAS GREAT and 31 is looking even better. Just remember make YOU time! Mine is my morning run, okay me and Hogan (my boxer) time but it is just for us and the best part of the day!

    Trust me 30 is great, only good things!

    I agree! (I'm 34). :)
  • iannuzzir
    iannuzzir Posts: 2
    You can do it!

    30 is nothing...just take it one day at a time and try to plan your meals. I find the hardest time is when I let myself get to hungry (wait to long in between meals) and end up over eating.

    -plan meals ahead of time - I make a weeks worth of grilled chicken and through it in the fridge to be ready to go!
    -prepare or have low calorie snacks handy (pre pack ziplock baggies with your favorite snack. pre packing and not keeping the box on your lap will help control the calories
    -eat a good size breakfast (most important meal of the day) to get that metabilism jump started in the morning. each meal from there should get smaller in size
    -eat something every 3-4 hours
    -get up and run---gotta excercise and burn them calories. The more you burn, the more you can eat. I have a bad back and can't always do hard core cardio...a nice fast pace 25-40 minute walk will burn them calories. Make it part of your routine, take the kids with you...whatever you have to but get out there.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    I know how hard it is when you have kids and trying to take care of yourself also. You are doing it the right way, though, and not wait until your 50 to try to start losing weight (which makes it even harder because of slower metabolism, menopause, etc). You can do this. I know it will seem over-whelming, but if you stay focused, you can do it. Please feel free to friend me.
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    I know just how you feel! I have 30 approaching in October, and I'm really not wanting to start another decade overweight, tired, and self-conscious. I am a single working mom of 2 kids, and I know how hard it it to find time to exercise. The gym is out for me, because the thought of being away from them more than I already am is not appealing. I've found exercise DVDs to be really helpful for me, because I can do them at home while the kids are in bed, or even while they are playing, and they give me a really good work out in a short time!
    As far as food goes, I really have to plan ahead. I make the right choices if I plan for them. I end up eating out quite a bit, but I have found there is something appropriate to eat everywhere I go. I just have to plan what I am going to order before I even sit down. When I am cooking at home, I find it doubly rewarding to make something healthy, because I am doing something healthy for my kids as well as myself.
    Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend.

    You can do this!!
  • littleEj
    littleEj Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you everyone! It's good to know I'm not alone in this. A lot of my friends are thin naturally and don't understand the struggle I have to just NOT overeat. I plan meals as best I can, and am working hard to hit my goals. So far, I'm doing pretty well.

    To answer some of your questions: I'm 5 feet tall. So the 173 I'm at is very overweight and unhealthy. I know I can do this, and I will, but the changes my body has undergone after pregnancy is making it harder to drop the weight.

    I do babywear (my 22 pound boy usually winds up in my backpack carrier) and I walk everywhere with him like that... but I can only do that on weekends really since by the time I get home its so late. I exercise every day, I just haven't figured out a way to fit in more than 30 minutes in the morning yet and I'm NOT a night time exercise gal. I'm just too tired and would like to spend some time with my hubby.

    How do you all fit in more exercise? I definitely use my son as a human weight (which he loves) and also use a bike trailer with him on weekends.

    I'm sure 30 will be great.... I guess I just wanted to be at my goal weight and maintaining by the time I turn 30. Hopefully I can still do that. I have until December...

    thank you all again so much!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Heck, 30 isn't something to freak about! You're young and as another poster mentioned, it's great you're looking to make a lifelong change so young. It's hard to do when you get older. Look at this as a lifestyle decision and have some patience with yourself--slow but sure wins the race: this didn't happen overnight and won't go away overnight.

    If what you can fit in is thirty minutes a day, then so be it; it sounds like you know that more would be better so maybe the weekends you & hubby can do things together like cycling, walking, hiking etc with baby in tow.

    MFP is a great way to help with tracking what you're eating and getting support from people who share your goals and challenges of balancing family and work. Friend me if you'd like--I'd be happy to walk along with you in your journey.