Hello from me! Does everyone have weigh in days??


I've been an on and off weight watchers member since the birth of my second child but I keep slacking off and not going to the weigh ins when I know I've stayed the same. I only have just over a stone to lose but it is stubbornly refusing to budge no matter what so I am now going to track every single thing I put in my mouth. I eat healthy meals but I can't stop the evening picking. The odd dorito here and chocolate there is obviously adding up!! Any tips for stopping picking or weight loss boosting meals would be great to share! Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months! x


  • bluebeatle49
    I did a lot of picking too. I am trying to put a stop to it by making sure everything is put away after every meal and not eating anywhere but at the table. It helps to have less temptation, that way I pick a whole lot less. Hope this helps:).
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:

    I tend to weigh on a saturday and log it then. I also do a little mid-week one to make sure I'm going in the right direction.

    I also weigh and log everything that I eat and drink and keep my diary public. If ever I think of eating the half pack of oreos that I used to put away, I think of my MFP pals tutting in disappointment - keeps me on the straight and narrow! :smile:
  • shulak
    shulak Posts: 7
    I have a few problems..I need to track my exercise and want to find something similar in the exercise data...I do yoga and pilates and don,t find that listed. does anyone have that problem
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    I plan out my whole day, snacks included. That way, when I get hungry, I already have something planned to much on. Usually it's nuts or a piece of fruit, but having go to healthy snacks helps.
    Additionally, my husband has been very supportive; we no longer bring junk food into the house. That way, I'm less tempted to snack on unhealthy items. If we're going to splurge, we either go out to do so, or only buy single servings. Kind of preventative self-control.

    Welcome and good luck!

    PS: to answer your topic question, I weigh in once a week, in the morning after I go potty, but before I exercise or eat. That way it's a consistent time of day, and I don't have to worry as much about arbitrary fluctuations.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    I weigh myself on Wednesday mornings. If the thought of logging the doritos and chocolate and going over your daily calories doesn't stop you, then just don't keep that stuff in the house. I find I can limit myself to one 40 cal piece of chocolate after dinner, but if there's a bag of cheese puffs around, I eat the whole thing. So no chips or cheesy snacks around the house for me.
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    @Shulak - My suggestion would be to repost in the exercise/fitness section. You're more likely to get responses there about this question.
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    I weigh in on Monday mornings. It totally keeps me accountable during the weekend! I am also one of those scale freaks who tends to check my weight every morning to make sure things are good, but I try not to let it ruin my whole day...
  • Debbiecastor
    Evening is a hard time for me too!! I try to nibble on a mini bag of micro popcorn when I do get the munchies and I allow myself a nice piece of very dark chocolate daily too!! Lots of water helps...but keeps me running to the bathroom! Which is a bonus, as our bathroom is upstairs, so added exercise I guess!!! I like to weigh in every other day, just to keep ahead of things. I find with me, salty foods will really make my weight spike!! So I try to limit salty snacks...which is healthier anyway. I really notice that if we've gone out for chinese food especially! Good luck to everyone! And know that you're not alone in this journey.....there's lots of us just like you out there!! :flowerforyou:
  • KSfitgal
    KSfitgal Posts: 59 Member
    One thought I have is, are you getting enough water in? Sometimes when I think I am starving or am craving and start to graze, it is really cause I am needing some more water. If I am craving something sweet - sucking on sugar free candy or drinking some sugar free drink mix in a bottle of water. I find I get a sweet craving when I am hungry so that helps keep me on plan. Another thought is to buy some protein powder like Miuscle Milk or I like the Body Fortress When protein and mix that up with some fruit and water into a smoothie or you can just mix it with plain water. I get it at Walmart for about $14 a large container. I have the smoothie for breakfast every morning - 2 scoops of the powder gives you 52g of protein which helps pull you through, so 1 scoop is half that and a good in between or before or after exercise boost.

    I am a picker too. Especially when I am cooking dinner. I only cook for myself, so when I am hungry I pick at things as they are cooking, That is just going to have to be a mind over matter thing!
  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    I started to become a little "obsessed" with weighing myself. I was stepping on the scale every morning! It was making me very anxious so I finally decided to weigh myself twice a week, on Wednesday and Sunday.