Ok day 1

I've lost 7 stone twice in the Atkins diet and put it back on as soon as I hit my target! I liked it because it was a quick fix. I need to learn how to manage losing weight and keeping it off . I'm very impatient hence why Atkins was good for me


  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Hey e, weight loss sadly is never a quick fix. This is a long term life style. Counting calories and making sure you weigh every week to keep on track. Its all about portion control and having a more active lifestyle. for long term
  • abbititley
    abbititley Posts: 13 Member
    I'm feeling really positive about this I just need to keep motivated. I'm finding these forums great
  • Clydefit88
    Clydefit88 Posts: 9 Member
    ^^^ This person has the answer. It is absolutely a life style change. But it doesn't always have to be a hard change to make happen. In my life I have gotten the people closest to me to hop on board with me through fun exercise programs and showing them how to cook well that taste good. Now I have all my close friends and family rolling with me. Makes it easier when dinners, celebrations, and get togethers because they already have healthy choices there.
  • tylrhunting
    tylrhunting Posts: 1 Member
    Use myfitnesspal to log your daily food intake, but also try the caveman lifestyle of eating. Stay away from all sugars and carbs/bread. I have been following this for a while now and this has been the easiest way to stay on track with great results. I highly recommend it.
  • abbititley
    abbititley Posts: 13 Member
    Will that mean I would have to avoid carbs forever. I know it's a fast way to lose weight but it's hard to maintain once it's off
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    The biggest thing is CICO. It's all a formula. Carbs are high in Calories so there is a lot going in...it just means you have to have more going out. So you don't have to stay away from carbs you just have to know calories in and out and when you're on maintenance mode they should equal each other. More calories in means weight gain, more calories out means weight loss. :) The food so much doesn't matter as the calories total.
  • Becky03026847
    Becky03026847 Posts: 34 Member
    I have just recently started eliminating carbs from my diet and I feel so much better. I had done the atkins diet in the past and lost alot of weight but gained it back. This time I"m taking the approach that I'm not dieting, just cutting out alot of the carbs that are bad. I'm still eating a few but nothing like I was. I seem to be staying without my guidelines on calories by doing this and I don't have to count calories or try to remember to do this and that to lose. It is easier for me. You cannot go carb free, just have to chose wisely the ones to eat.
  • abbititley
    abbititley Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah your right I'm so addicted to carbs and I do find cutting them out difficult sounds like you have lost it all before Becky lets hope we do it and keep it off for good . Good luck guys