Macros for weight loss for wedding

Does any body know how to work out exactly how many calories, carbs, proteins and fats one should eat when trying to loose weight but tone. I'm a typical yo yo dieter and am currently on 1400cals and really trying to get in shape for my wedding in June. Any tips would be gratefully received!


  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    edited October 2015
    There is no such thing. However, you can lose body fat (also known as body recomposition). So you can eat at a maintenance level, or slightly below, and lift weights. You will slim down in inches and the scale will probably still go down slightly if you are diligent about it. The muscles will build (ever so slowly but get more defined) and you will lose fat (which results in the effect of "toning" that you are looking for). You have plenty of time. Good luck!
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    The rule of thumb for strength training or weight training, eat about 8 to 10 percent of your lean muscle mass in pounds and eat that many grams of protein. There are different opinions on the other two macros, but from what I understand those are only really important for competitive lifters. You can and should try to strengthen muscles while eating at a deficit to lose weight. While eating at a deficit it is unlikely that you will achieve more than modest muscle gains.
  • titsntats
    titsntats Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all so much for your comments, all very helpful so thank you
  • SherriLynnLeeman
    SherriLynnLeeman Posts: 22 Member
    A fellow bride here, I'm getting married in March!
  • titsntats
    titsntats Posts: 11 Member
    Great stuff!! I can't wait but really want to be in good shape!!!
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    The only thing I can really think of (and what I do before events) is to cut down on your sodium intake the week before! That'll help with water retention and keep you from feeling bloated.