Emotional eaters?

Does anybody here turn to food when they feel emotional? I'm trying to break the habit and I'm looking for people in the same boat. Please feel free to add me


  • itsker56
    itsker56 Posts: 22 Member
    unfortunately, YES! Been trying to BREAK the cycle
  • tjmacamccarthy
    tjmacamccarthy Posts: 1 Member
    DONT WORRY I love food and yes when my dad hits me I turn to food
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    I bored eat. It is a terrible habit. So far, and I am not that far into it, but I am trying to figure out what triggers it. This week, I go walk during the time that I would normally want to graze. Or I come onto MFP and read success stories. A few of those and the desire passes. I don't eat out of anger or for comfort, so perhaps others can help out with tactics for that.
  • runhappyfleetfeet
    runhappyfleetfeet Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, me too. Easy short term escape/comfort... feels v negative in long term, especially iwhen u put on weight as result. :#
  • Amuffinqueen
    Amuffinqueen Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I just found out this app, so I'm going to give it a try! Hopefully it'll help.