Anyone doing Diet Center?

ktsparkletoes Posts: 4 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I just started Diet Center this week and wondered if there is anyone else out there on it who would like to share the journey?
I can use all the support I can get - and I would love to support anyone who is also trying to lose weight and get healthier!!



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have never used it, but have had friends that did and LOVED IT! They all lost alot of weight!

    Good Luck!
  • lori666
    lori666 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I just started today. How is it going for you?
  • HealthyBeeBoo
    HealthyBeeBoo Posts: 2 Member
    Just joined MFP tonight. Been at Diet Center since June 2011...lost 10 pounds on my own over the Winter but needed a kick in the butt to keep going...have lost 38 since June with DC. Am looking for fellow DC travelers to chat with for motivation on the final journey of 15-20 more pounds. Hoping to use MFP as a tool to keep going once I've "graduated" from DC.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Oh my goodness, this is a blast from the past - I used to run a Diet Center back in the early 90's, until the parent company ran all of the subfranchisees out of business (one of those leveraged buy-out disasters). I didn't realize it had been resurrected - I haven't heard of them for nearly 20 years. It used to be a very healthy, balanced weight loss program - it looks like they do still emphasize blood sugar stabilization, but it looks like there's a lot of prepackaged meal replacement stuff now? That's really unfortunate if they do - they used to stress eating a balance of healthy natural foods and really changing your eating habits, and that was how they differentiated themselves from their competitors who doled out the prepackaged foods, which don't teach you how to eat right (or at least don't integrate better habits while you are losing weight). I'm curious about what the program actually is now. Do you still go in for daily weigh-ins? And take the magic 'supplement'?
  • HealthyBeeBoo
    HealthyBeeBoo Posts: 2 Member
    YES! They still have the daily supplement - mostly a Vit B Complex as you know.

    NO. I am not doing the pre packaged foods or other supplements. You may have controlled portions, but you don't learn how to cook for yourself or make your own decisions.

    I wanted to learn how to cook for myself again. I am doing the old school food exchange program: Moderate Protein, Controlled Carbohydrate, Low Fat. I believe that Mayo Clinic promotes the food exchange concept too. Remember the crazy food lists and food combos for women from the 80's??? (I went to DC with my Dad in the early 80's, hence the recognition of the Center when I drove past it in April. It just took two months to get the courage to call and go in. I didn't exactly have any faith that I could lose weight ever again.) The plan today is much more flexible and has more variety.

    I also wanted the one on one counseling versus a group setting. Ask my question of the day, weigh in, and head to work.

    The DC that I go to is open M, W, F, & Sa so no "daily" weigh ins. When I first started in June, I went 4x/wk; then tapered down to 1-2x/wk. In October, I even went a whole three weeks on my own w/o a weigh in as my schedule just had me on the trot and I couldn't get there. Plus Canadian Thanksgiving in the middle of it all. I did great! A huge psychological lift.

    I estimate that I have 2-3 months to go to lose the last 15-20 since things slow down the lighter you get. Trying to keep the faith with the holidays looming and so many social events and commitments. I have the habits with my own food preparation and cooking. It is just not having control of how others prepare foods that is spooking me a little.

    Thanks for the shout out.
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