Hello fellow losers

Hello everyone,

This is my first day on this site and I'm just getting use to finding my way around everything. I like it, the layout is simple and clean, the trackers and goals are helpful and easy to find, and now I found this forum. I'm in heaven! I've been searching for a website I could potentially call "home" and I may have just found it.

I'm trying to lose about 60lbs before Dec 31st (more preferably by Nov 19th as that is my 1st wedding anniversary) but I want to do it healthfully and intelligently. I've got a gym membership and now I've got this site to help me out. I don't think 2lbs every week is too much, so hopefully my realistic sense will allow me to reach my goals in a timely manner.

My name is Jennifer and I'm fat trying to becoming HEALTHY. It's nice to encounter folks with similar situations and like minds.
Hope to get to know some of you while I'm on my weight loss journey.



  • runawaydoll19
    runawaydoll19 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome! This site is pretty awesome. Feel free to add me for support and motivation!
  • Tcnorman
    Tcnorman Posts: 16
    I lost 60 lbs over the past six months. Its not that hard. Just take it a day at a time, get some workouts in and you will feel better every day. Good luck!
  • tljacob
    tljacob Posts: 28
    Welcome... I have enjoyed the site and its helped me a lot. When i first started my weight loss journey, I was in denial about logging EVERYTHING... I was wrong. Logging is essential. It keeps you accountable and on track.

    Best of luck!