Need motivating on track friends

so I had a different profile for about three or four years...and not many motivating friends. Seems like they all were on there to wish to lose weight but not work for it. Or they were already in great shape and never commented or supported others. I need people who on track and expect me to be too. I did really well before I was pregnant and during my pregnancy, but I have fallen off the wagon. My son is a year and half now and Ive gained 15 lbs after losing 30 after he was born. I need to get back to it and I have a workout plan I'll be following. Open diary.


  • CoffeeInTheMtns
    CoffeeInTheMtns Posts: 24 Member
    Wow not one person to reply....very motivating.
  • andrew_in_va
    andrew_in_va Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log daily and I'm about to hit 75 pounds lost.
  • steelmagnolia35
    steelmagnolia35 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I log in daily and would love to give/get support!!
  • Amanda682015
    Amanda682015 Posts: 68 Member
    Anybody can add me!! The more the merrier!!! I like lots of interaction, opinions, support, motivation!!! Im on here daily and love to hear of others stories!!!