What are you reading?

I was just wondering what good books people are reading/have read. I am going to the beach for a week and want some new good books to read!

I just finished reading the book Room by Emma Donoghue. Very interesting! It's about a boy who was born and raised in a "room" because his mother was kidnapped and put there. She gets visits from her kidnapper every day, but has raised the boy to think the "room" is what the world is about so he doesn't feel like he is missing out on anything.


  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I have read good reviews about Room but the premise sort of makes me sad. Let me know what you think about it.

    I am finally getting around to "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". It took me quite a while to get into it but now I am enjoying it. I have been reading a lot of "chick lit" lately so this is a nice break from that.
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I'm reading A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. I'm a big fantasy buff, and soooo many people have told me that I should read it that I'm finally getting around to it :D
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I got a Kindle for Christmas, which allows you to get a bunch of the classics for free.. I recently read Little Women and am now Reading The Secret Garden, along with this new-ish bio of Cleopatra.

    Oh I recommend James Patterson as well.. He's got tons of titles!
  • Time2BSkinny
    I have The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo! I read the first chapter and put it down- maybe I'll try getting into that more.

    I also love some of the older books. I read Little Women and The Secret Garden a while ago, but they would be nice to read again.
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh that sounds good! I'm going to have to add it to my Nook wishlist!

    I'm currently reading In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks by Adam Carolla. I love his podcasts and think he's hilarious! Lately I don't want to think when I read. I have to think a lot at work, so I like to come home and kinda zone out sometimes. It's also an easy read to kill time on a treadmill =)
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    i just bought a bunch of new books from amazon. i'm currently reading cormac mccarthy's blood meridian and it's an amazing read, but it is very graphic...
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    I read the girl with the dragon tattoo series and thought it was fantastic!!
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I am reading 2 books: A "chick lit" titled It's a Balance Thing by (Margaret?) Dumas and an "engage my brain" book titled "Blink." Blink is about how our subconscious mind makes snap decisions based on information that we are not able to specifically identify consciously. It's on the A.P. Language reading list for next school year and my son will have to read it later in the year. But since it's a best seller I'm taking advantage of his book list.
    Also on his A.P. reading list is Fast Food Nation which I"m looking forward to reading next. Have any of you read it and have a "thumbs up" or "waste of time" opinion?
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    I am reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. It's very good! Set in WWII France, so it isn't exactly light subject matter, but I like it. Another good one is One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, or Love in the Time of Cholera, by the same author. And I like anything by Isabelle Allende.
    Happy reading!
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    I am in the middle of reading Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It's okay. Long and slow. So in the mean time, when I get bored with it I am also re-reading (for the umpteenth time) Pride & Prejudice. Jane Austen is my absolute favorite author!
  • Beckron
    Beckron Posts: 1
    Skinny ***** and Skinny *kitten* (hilarious but crass!)

    Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I am reading Incarceron by Catherine Fisher. It is excellent. Here's a blurb:

    Incarceron - a futuristic prison, sealed from view, where the descendants of the original prisoners live in a dark world torn by rivalry and savagery. It is a terrifying mix of high technology - a living building which pervades the novel as an ever-watchful, ever-vengeful character, and a typical medieval torture chamber - chains, great halls, dungeons. A young prisoner, Finn, has haunting visions of an earlier life, and cannot believe he was born here and has always been here.

    In the outer world, Claudia, daughter of the Warden of Incarceron, is trapped in her own form of prison - a futuristic world constructed beautifully to look like a past era, an imminent marriage she dreads. She knows nothing of Incarceron, except that it exists. But there comes a moment when Finn, inside Incarceron, and Claudia, outside, simultaneously find a device - a crystal key, through which they can talk to each other. And so the plan for Finn's escape is born ...
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Just finished the Lovely Bones. Very well written but it deals with the tragic death of a young girl and its aftermath. Reading The Mermaid Chair not far into it so can't really say yes or no
  • Time2BSkinny
    Just finished the Lovely Bones. Very well written but it deals with the tragic death of a young girl and its aftermath. Reading The Mermaid Chair not far into it so can't really say yes or no

    Lovely Bones! I read that- very disturbing but couldn't put it down!

    Thanks for all of these ideas everyone! I am looking them all up now to see which ones I'd like =]
  • Time2BSkinny
    posted twice
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Nonfiction - "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven?" by Kevin Malarky. It's a true story but very moving and heartwarming.

    Fiction - "Wicked Appetite" by Janet Evanovich - Light and funny mystery with a dash of magic. :smile:
  • janehend
    janehend Posts: 16 Member
    Keep reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It is slow to start but it gets really good. I am reading the Girl Who Kicks the Hornets Nest now. I am sad that there won't be anymore of the series.

    If you like True Blood, the books are good. They are quick, easy and fun.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    Pride & Prejudice & Zombies...... I'm loving it so far.. funny and interesting and a nice spin on the classic.. which yes, I have read the original Pride & Prejudice!! Haha

    Other fun beach reads are the Shopaholic series, other Sophie Kinsella books, and I am a recent lover of The Hunger Games trilogy!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I'm reading "Between A Rock and A Heart Place" which is Pat Benatar's memoir.
  • CyborgDreamSt8
    The Conservative Assault on the Constitution by Erwin Chemerinsky. It's a non-fiction political book concerned with the fact that the Supreme Court in America chaired by several hyper-conservative justices have slowly been eroding the freedoms and protections awarded citizens of the US by the Constitution. It is an amazing book to say the least. Really opens your eyes.