Jawbone Up team

Let's create a team! Drop Jawbone up names!


  • ntinggale1
    ntinggale1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa use my jawbone daily, lost without it.
  • slatonkimberly
    slatonkimberly Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I'm Kim. I got the 24 for my birthday a couple weeks ago. Still getting used to it but I love it.
  • 2katlover
    2katlover Posts: 72 Member
    Does it stay clipped and how good is it at counting steps and biking? I have a recumbent bike and would like to use it for that. Also I do Leslie Sansone's videos, does it count those correctly? Where do you attach it? Sorry for the questions but no one seems to answer them and hopefully someone here will since you use it. Thanks.
  • Jem163
    Jem163 Posts: 7 Member
    You can find me on the up app at jennymatt42. Just got an up3 and loving it so far
  • Jem163
    Jem163 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sorry, that's jennymatt42@gmail.com. Still getting used to using the app!
  • MissYatta90
    MissYatta90 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I just got an Up and I'm looking for teammates. Feel free to to add me: Kenyatta Perry
  • mrsami
    mrsami Posts: 4 Member
    Love my UP2.. Looking for friends. Ami Sowers