J.M. Ripped in 30 ~ Starting May 16th!



  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    So I didn't work out to Ripped yesterday but I did walk to my 7pm meeting which is 10 min away. I did the first 2 circuits of Week 3 today for the first time, not bad, don't hate it like Week 2 anyways. I'll try to do circuit 3 sometime tonight, I ran out of time this morning before work.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Took one day of rest yesterday and did DAY 6 WEEK 2 this morning.
    Didnt feel like puking this time, which hopefully is a good sign!
    I dont get the row in the first circuit with the press out, is it a row all the way up to the neck, or a pull? I tried watching both Natalie and Shelley but they do two different things so what should i stick with?

    The goal is to be able to do plank jacks in both sets of the first circuit, not modyfing them, before I go on with week 3.
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    HI All
    W1 D1 done. I know I am behind and had orignally plannedon starting with you twoo weeks ago, but better late than never, right? all the talk of the horrors of week 2 are scaring me already and I haven't even Day 2 of the first week.
    We all have tofind wha works for us. the point is to keep moving..........forward.
    have a good night! :wink:
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Good job you girls!

    Medoria, All I do is lift the weight up all the way near my neck- I don't pull. That pulling action was in Week 1. In any case, you can do it either way you like it, as long as you're burning calories ;)

    I haven't started Week 3 yet. Things are really busy and tensed at my end- We're relocating to a new city by the end of this month....and there is a lot to be done. I just don't feel like I'm up to Jillian's torture right now. I did BL Power Walk yesterday. And today, I did abt 30 mins of cardio using BL Cardio Max with Bob. Let me tell you= Bob is equally horrible. He made me do infinite number of lunges. If I do this DVD 2 times in a row, I'm pretty sure I won't have any knees left. :embarassed:

    Before I move out of this city, I need to use my Bikram Yoga groupon. So I will probably be starting that and doing Ripped only when I don't go for Bikram Yoga...I'll keep checking this thread and updating you guys on what I'm up to. :tongue:
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Jennasan - welcome back! Don't worry, I am behind anyways as I hated Week 2 and used as an excuse to only work out twice last week. Back to it this week (sort of). Day 2, Week 3 completed this morning. The plan is to do Week 3, 7 times. The only circuit I am not super crazy over is 3, so much improved over Week 2!

    Ruhimaach ~ definately stay in touch even if you aren't keeping with Ripped. You know how to find us if our thread goes dead :]

    Everybody else ~ "Rip It"! lol
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Thanks and glad tobe back even though I am sore today. W1 day 2 done! Man that is tough on the legs! I havent done that many squats in a while. Had to pause the DVD twice to catch my breath, but did slow crunches until i could move on. is anyone using a heart monitor? I still haven't bought one and would like some in put about which one to buy. also interested to know about how many calories you guys are burning if you are using one. Until tomorrow:smile:

  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Crashta, How are you liking week 3? I am not doing Bikram Yoga tomorrow evening and am thinking of doing Ripped. :wink:

    Jennasan, I use a HRM :) I have a Polar FT4. I love it! Got it from ebay for $50 NEW. It shows ur fat zone, heart rate & calories burned. You can even access prior training files. But you can't download them to your computer...I have to manually enter them at MFP. I burned more calories in Week 1 compared to Week 2...I burned 400 cals. on Week 1. I'm 5'1.5" and currently weight 149.4 lbs. When I was doing WEek 1, I was around 151-152 pounds.
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Hey Ladies
    I hope you are keeping up with the exercise, but as for me I am having a hard time putting in that DVD. I rode a 10+ mile bike hike with my son's scout troop this morning and my shirt was completely soaked by the end. An embarssing vision, as the front of my shirt, bra and pretty much every thing else was soaked thru, but well worth the work out. Great weather and to be exercising outdoors again, I absolutly LOVE it. Planned on putting that DVD in tonight and just could not do it. Hope you are all having a great weekend.
    take care and keep moving ( indoors or out):happy:
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    I hear ya on not being able to put the dvd in Jen! I walked for a couple of hours yesterday as we had our local cancer 'Relay for Life' event - hard on the knees though, we were walking on a brick pathway the whole time.

    I've also been out in the yard planting my flowerpots and weeding flower beds. Today I went for a quick intro moutain bike/cross country ride. Lots of boardwalks in some spots which was a bit scary. Definately glad I've been doing JM videos b/c my legs could totally handle the workout/hills, my cardio however was tested. I think once I get used to shifting gears, I'll be able to make all of the hills. We have some amazing bike trails and a skills park. Not sure that I am ready for the downhill stuff but the cross-country trails are great.

    I'm hoping to do Ripped in the morning, we'll see if I get out bed early to do it or not though!
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Hello all! I did Day 1 of Week 3 today. It's tough like HELL! :mad: I couldn't do any of the balancing stuff...I am really scared of doing this level again...I am hating Week 3 at the moment. How did you ladies handle Week 3? Any words of encouragement? :sad:
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Did W 3 D 2 today and it was just as hard as I imagined.

    First time was hard cuz even though I watched through it, it was a completly different thing actually doing it.
    I was very disappointed at myself cuz even though I could feel it, the muscles where hardly on point, if you see what I mean.

    Today it was time for it again and Im starting to get a hang of it, it was much harder an my body has adapted to some of the moves.

    What I hate about this workout is that she uses some cardio moves as strength excercises and vice versa. Like the mountain climbers in the first circuit, all ready done those, and as a cardio excercise, why do them again like an ab move?
    This workout is very fluid, and I hate the elements of plyometrics for so many reasons, but I will not quit! I hate it, its by far the hardest workout of all of JMs workouts that ive ever done and ive tried 30ds nmtz bfbm.

    One thing I modified for today was going in to the third circuit and all the triceps, is start the floor excercie, when ur on your side grabbing your shoulder and pushing up, with the right arm beeing the pushing up, laying on your left side. I realized im much more weak in my left triceps and this gives left arm the chance to rest more, and you will gain more from the circuit in total.

    I also noticed that one of the strenghtexcersices of the first circuit is not repeated and Jillian doesent mention why, does anybody know why?
  • reammi
    reammi Posts: 70
    Hi. I'm fairly new to MFP and just saw this thread. I'm also in the midst of doing Ripped in 30. I did W 3 D 1 yesterday and it was very hard. I'll do D 2 tonight. I thought W 1 was fairly easy and it took me a few days to get used to W 2 but there are parts of W 3 that I don't know if I will be able to ever do. I can only imagine what W 4 will be like.
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Well, I shut the dvd off 1/2 way through Day 3 of Week 3 the other morning. I like it about as much as Week 2. So, not at all. I am super regretting lending out my 30 Day Shred to my girlfriend as I am pretty done with Ripped in 30. I either cannot do or really dislike all of circuit 3 in Week 3 and don't like much of circuit 2 either.

    I'll try Week 4 this week. Ladies night for golfing starts today, and I have a carry bag. Maybe I'll do jumping jacks when I am waiting to play so that I get some cardio in as well.

    If Week 4 is terrible as well, I'll keep watching the thread and cheer you on but I'll be a 'Ripped' quitter! Between biking, golf and JM 'Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism', I am sure that I can keep myself occupied!
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Hi Ladies,
    I did another day of Ripped and it seems to be getting easier. I have not been dedicated to it, as it is wayto nice outside to want to exerscie inside. I am also not a morning person. I had the day off and did another day of Ripped this moringing, but now I am to tired for anything else. I would rather exersice before bed. so what do you ladies think the real meaning of Ripped in 30 is? Does she mean 30 days or 30 times? I am figuring that with the warm weather and my lack of desire it will take me all summer to do Ripped 30 times. LOL
    Have a good night.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Hello everybody! I haven't been exercising to Ripped everyday. I have lots of DVDs and I just mix/match (It's betn. mix/match or me forcing myself to do Ripped, which I am hating and because of which I might not even workout)...so I just mix/match and do other workouts) what I feel like doing. I took another stab at Week 3 today and my hatred level hasn't decreased. What pisses me off is that I am burning lesser number of calories doing Ripped versus other DVDs that I like. On top of that, Ripped feels so much more difficult. I don't know what's going on. I have 5 more days of Week 3 and the entire Week 4 left. I am almost ready to give up.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Hi Ladies,
    I did another day of Ripped and it seems to be getting easier. I have not been dedicated to it, as it is wayto nice outside to want to exerscie inside. I am also not a morning person. I had the day off and did another day of Ripped this moringing, but now I am to tired for anything else. I would rather exersice before bed. so what do you ladies think the real meaning of Ripped in 30 is? Does she mean 30 days or 30 times? I am figuring that with the warm weather and my lack of desire it will take me all summer to do Ripped 30 times. LOL
    Have a good night.

    I am going with "30 times".
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Did W 3 D 2 today and it was just as hard as I imagined.

    First time was hard cuz even though I watched through it, it was a completly different thing actually doing it.
    I was very disappointed at myself cuz even though I could feel it, the muscles where hardly on point, if you see what I mean.

    Today it was time for it again and Im starting to get a hang of it, it was much harder an my body has adapted to some of the moves.

    What I hate about this workout is that she uses some cardio moves as strength excercises and vice versa. Like the mountain climbers in the first circuit, all ready done those, and as a cardio excercise, why do them again like an ab move?
    This workout is very fluid, and I hate the elements of plyometrics for so many reasons, but I will not quit! I hate it, its by far the hardest workout of all of JMs workouts that ive ever done and ive tried 30ds nmtz bfbm.

    One thing I modified for today was going in to the third circuit and all the triceps, is start the floor excercie, when ur on your side grabbing your shoulder and pushing up, with the right arm beeing the pushing up, laying on your left side. I realized im much more weak in my left triceps and this gives left arm the chance to rest more, and you will gain more from the circuit in total.

    I also noticed that one of the strenghtexcersices of the first circuit is not repeated and Jillian doesent mention why, does anybody know why?

    I just can't do that floor exercise! I do it with really bad posture, I'm sure. And I think they just forgot to repeat the 3rd strength move of Circuit 1. I don't mind it, since I hate week 3 so much!
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Everybody on this thread seems to have disappeared :ohwell: I did Week 4 today and am happy to report that I really liked it! So, I'm back on Ripped in 30 bandwagon...will workout for the remaining number of days using Week 4 and then W1 and W2.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    So I did Week 4 for the first time today.It was hard, but far from impossible. The warm up is okay, it starts getting tough somewhere between the first and second cardio, but its a real fun workout. And if you have a hard time theres always
    a possibilty of making a modified version. So keep up the good work!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Ripped in 30 is it that much harder than 30DS? I was thinking about starting it on Monday and either alternating between 30ds,ripped and 6pack6week on top of Couch 2 5k and training with a trainer 2x a week.