Postpartum motivation!

CarolynKiser2015 Posts: 5 Member
edited November 2015 in Getting Started
Hey guys! I'm 5"7' and I weigh 227.0 pounds. I have been up and down with my weight since college. I remember being told I was fat while weighing 130 pounds but that's all in the past now! I have a 1 year old daughter and I refuse to continue to go in this downwards spiral. When I was pregnant my highest weight was 245 and postpartum weight was 195. My goal is to be back at 165-170. I know with the help and support of you guys I can do this! We can help each other!!!!


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Of course you weren't fat when you were 130 pounds, especially not at 5'7". Just stick to a calorie deficit and you can do this. Do you have a food scale? Weighing your food, knowing exactly what portions are and how many calories you are consuming, can really help you stick to your calorie goals. Also read this:
  • CarolynKiser2015
    Lol thanks! I do not have a food scale but will grab one today! Thanks for the help!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Lol thanks! I do not have a food scale but will grab one today! Thanks for the help!

    You are quite welcome.
  • angelicamie
    angelicamie Posts: 1 Member
    Wishing you all the luck it took me 12 months to get back to a decent size and then 3 years to get back into my original wardrobe. This is my 2nd pregnancy and it's nice to have some motivation to lose weight and eat right. Because the baby weight has boomed from 145 - 173 ilbs . At 5.2ft it's heavy .Good luck lets do this. Scales will be dusted off and brought out from the dark side of the cupboard.
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    Hello dear! I'm 35 looking to lose about 25 more. Have a 7 month old and am about 40 lbs into my goal. Add me!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    While pre-making food for the week is a great idea, be careful when you are tossing around words like ''processed". There's nothing wrong with milk, for instance. Or cheese, or butter, or yogurt (which is on your list, BTW). All of these foods are processed. Bread, anything frozen or canned, are all processed. And there is nothing wrong with eating any of these foods. Telling people not to eat things like "processed" foods can lead to guilt and avoidance, which can cause disordered thinking about food and our bodies.
    Instead, let's focus on things like yes, pre-making meals to save time. But it's okay to used canned ingredients in those meals. What is really important is accounting for all the ingredients in those meals by weight so that when you are consuming them, you know how many calories you are taking in and can stick to calorie goals. That's really where weight loss success will be achieved. As long as your diet is well-rounded, with protein, fats, and carbs, with vegetables and fruits added in, and you are sticking to your calorie goals you will lose weight and be healthy doing it. Eating foods you enjoy along the way makes the journey a happy one.
    MFP has a recipe builder right in the app and website that you can use when creating your meals that will help you account for all your calories. Use your food scale while cooking and you're all set!
  • dls116
    dls116 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 with 3 kids and trying to get my pre-pregnancy body back (or at least a lot closer to it than I am now). Adding you!